1 / 5
Dec 2011

All my customers have been getting the following message:

"This is a notification that you are selling a download for The Doctor Who Cures Cancer but it does not have a file uploaded, and the user(majujaya99@yahoo.com) was unable to download it for transaction ID cb-CZH6WBEM.

"If this is not a downloadable product, please un-check "Download" checkbox in your product settings in E-junkie seller admin."

Is there an error in my set up on junkie, or is it an error in the link on the sales order page, or is it in my Clickbank back office?

The link in my Clickbank account is as follows: http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/cf.php

The link from my order page is this: <a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=1&c=cb&cl=194249" target="ejejcsingle"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/x-click-butcc.gif" border="0" alt="Buy Now"/></a>

  • created

    Dec '11
  • last reply

    Dec '11
  • 4


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 3


1.) what type of product is this? Is this s id digital, downloadable good/item? or a tangible item? or possible 'access' to premium content?

2.) if a digital, downloadable item.. have you .zipped it up and uploaded it? (through the e-junkie admin panel?)

3.) if a digital product, are you hosting it on your own site/server?

It's an eBook provided through Clickbank.

The product has been uploaded to ejunkie rather the using remote server.

I would check that product settings.. and possibly re-upload or something?

or wait for a mod/staff member to check it out.

The item purchased in that transaction was your product #5, whereas the button code in your Web site's order page is selling item #1, so that buyer must have ordered #5 from some other page. It appears you have uploaded a file to product #5 by now.

Is there a reason you have been adding duplicates of your main product in Seller Admin, rather than just selling one version of the product? You can sell a single product in your Seller Admin on as many different sites/pages as you wish; just copy the button code (Buy Now code for ClickBank in your case) for that product and paste it into any page where you want to sell that product. You can use the "Get Buy Now/Cart Button Codes" link in your Seller Admin to obtain button code for any existing product.

Also, you do not need to enable Send Generated Codes in your product settings, as that setting is unrelated to having us issue download links to buyers. You can click the "View/Edit/Delete Products" link in your Seller Admin, select an existing product from the menu, then either click Edit to alter the product's settings or click Delete to remove that product. If you change a product's settings, remember to click Next until you can click Submit to apply the changes.