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Aug 2012

Can someone have a look and check that I have the right analytics code and the right conversion tracking for adwords? I'm not seeing analytics updates and I want to make sure I've done it right, before I get too far on tweaking the site.



  • created

    Aug '12
  • last reply

    Aug '12
  • 2


  • 936


  • 2


  • 2


Please see our help page on Tracking here:


The Google Analytics (GA) tracking code on your page does not match what we provide on our help page; it seems to be a mishmash of our code and some other version of GA tracking code. If you use our version of the GA code, you must use only that version of the code on every page where you want to use GA tracking.

Also, it appears you have added our EJEJC_BEACON parameter to your GA tracking code; this should actually go in your View Cart code, just before the "// -->" line in the standard code you obtained from Seller Admin.