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Jan 2008


I can only add one item to the cart using the free version. If I continue shopping and then add a different item it replaces the original item.

FatFreeCart seems to be the ideal solution for one of my clients but I need to be able to recommend the right version so I need to know if the free version is restricted to one item only, or I've just missed something, or whether I need to look at one of the more fully featured versions.

The free version example demonstrates that 2 items can be added but the example code differs to the cut & paste code provided so it is a bit misleading.

Could somebody just clear this up for me so I can recommend the appropriate version to my client?

Many Thanks,

The Website Shop

  • created

    Jan '08
  • last reply

    Jan '08
  • 3


  • 832


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you must be missing something... most here fire up the cart filled with goods. As for the trial, there shouldnt be no restrictions. Look over some of your code. Clear out the cache maybe? Dunno, sounds a bit odd.

Ok, my fault - the free version does do multiple items.

I had missed the unique item number, once I corrected this it worked like a charm.

Now I can start messing around with the more featured version.

Great software - I'll be recommending it.

Thanks all.