Dear e-Junkie,
Welcome to the rest of the world, where English language is not spoken. In fact, in these parts of the world, they don't understand even a word of English. And there, in this world, there are many products being sold to people who also do not speak English. It is a HUGE market. Imagine someone, yes, like e-Junkie, supporting these sellers. Yes, it could be a lot of work making shopping carts, columns, buttons, thank you pages and thank you emails in various languages, but guess what? It would be worth a LOT of money for e-Junkie, and all those sellers would be soooo happy. There would be glorious testimonials going viral all over non-English Facebook accounts about the wonders of e-Junkie.
So, c'mon y'all. Can we up the ante a bit, e-Junkie? Can you step up to the plate and come into the present world where e-commerce operates in many countries, not just English speaking countries?!?
Please support the rest of us! It can't be that hard. If your programmers can program buttons in English, then they can be programmed in French, or Italian, or German, or whatever language needed. And so can the other pieces that make a non-English site look unprofessional with bits here and there in English. It is confusing for our customers who do not understand what to click or what to do next, or if their order actually went through.
PLEASE implement full language support for at least the major languages; French, Spanish, Italian, German, and which ever other languages that your potential customers have requested support for.
Thank you