I have a question about shipping. Based on reading the forums, I see that I can't do a set $ amount to a set shipping amount (Currently my structure is set to less than $20 is $3, up to $49.99 is $5, etc). While weighing each item is actually a more accurate way to do it, I'm not quite ready to switch shipping costs over to a different scheme yet. I currently only take payment through paypal - is there a way to let paypal calculate the shipping charges for me based on the dollar amount if I leave my preferences in my paypal account intact?
Simple experimentation is showing that once you click "Check out with Paypal" an additional $3.00 is added to the shipping/handling with my current settings if I have shipping checked on my tangible item at all. This is the same no matter what dollar amount is in my cart. I don't want to flip off my paypal settings yet until I'm sure I'm switching over completely (it would mess up any existing orders that are coming through)
Reading through the forums, I'm not seeing a way around this - but wanted to check if you had any ideas. Thanks!