14 / 14
Apr 2011

I was just notified by Squarespace that they wont store my files above 20mb now. Can anyone suggest the best site for storage of your digital files for sale via e-junkie codes?

  • created

    Apr '11
  • last reply

    Apr '11
  • 13


  • 2.0k


  • 4


  • 1


Many of our sellers use Amazon S3 as an extremely reliable and affordable file hosting service; in fact, that's what we actually use for long-term download storage/caching and delivery for our own download fulfillment feature.

You should be able to use any file hosting service that can provide a static URL directly to the file itself which can be accessed by our server script -- i.e., as long as the file URL does not expire or change, does not require going through the file host's download page, and does not need to be accessed by an actual Web browser program.

hi there

i posted a separate post ...but I am in the same boat as vendera....

i created an amazon s3 account and a bucket...then started uploading my large files. But when i look online for s3 tutorials it sounds a lot more complicated than the way i did it. I just created an account and uplaoded... made the file public, grab the properties url and that was that...

I sent a free link to myself and they seem to be working? I'm assuming i would get notice if the links were faulty?

would love any input. thanks!!! Kim

Hey kkd, I am doing the same thing right this moment. Tough to figure out at first. Hopefully it will work;)

Jaime Vendera

11 days later

But if it is made public, doesn't that mean that anyone can find it and download it freely? That is why i didn't use Mediafire.

I have no idea really Jaime.....

i am not sure how someone would find it?

I am so stumped on this.... i've watched s3 videos and it's so complicated...what i did is painless...but i feel like I'm missing a key step.

sigh. if i figure anything definite out, i will let you know.

I have been uploading the files, cause i think i am almost out of time with squarespace. i wish i could keep them there and just pay a monthly storage fee.... hmmm, maybe i will email them and ask...


talk soon

Hey kkd, thanks. I am in the same Squarespace boat. It is so aggravating. I would go with S3, but I am still having trouble making the files work. My links will not take. Another E-junkie user has helped on another thread but I could make that work either.


ugh... they gave me a big NO on the buying storage....lol...

as it stands my links work...but they are public? but i still don't know how anyone would find them? so maybe it's okay?

i'm stumped.... and i do believe the deadline to get them off my site is close....


Yes my deadline is close too. But I was told although they are public they'd have a hard time finding them without the exact link.

VenderaBut I was told although they are public they'd have a hard time finding them without the exact link.

That is correct, a random surfer isn't going to stumble across your files. It's never a bad idea to give your files and directories an un-obvious name but the URL you enter into an E-junkie product is never revealed to your buyers, it is even hidden from those of us on the support team.

Making your files public just means that a third party (like us) can access them, it does not mean they are being advertised or are going to turn up in search engine results.

The example URL you emailed us today worked out fine, so the other files you are storing on Amazon should be fine as well. If you run into any more unexpected errors please send us an email with the URL you are using for that product and we'll glad to take a look at it.

Looks like it is working fine now, thanks:) However, uploading is a beast. I have had lost connections repetitively.


not sure you are doing it the same way as me...but if so... i find the trick is to leave the window open...not open up other tabs etc...... it's okay to open a new browser window...but leave the amazon upload window alone... that works much better!!

good luck! I'm almost done with the uploads and the fabulous ejunkie support says i am good to go....

the only thing that is strange.... according to my amazon account info...my bill for this month is $0.00 even though i have used it this month? weird?

Yes but S3 is free for up to 5 gig that's why you weren't billed;) Still I am having trouble. I've emailed myself several files and I keep getting the following:


Notification sent to Vendera Publishing


This is a notification that the remote download link provided by you for A Lecture with Elizabeth Sabine is not accessible and user(venderaj@msn.com) was served the file from our cache for transaction ID j-lk4j873f8ad66ca.

That indicates the Remote Product File URL you have configured in that product's settings failed to respond when we contacted it, so we simply served a copy we retained of the last file downloaded for that product. This help page section explains more about how our Remotely Hosted Downloads feature works, to give you a clearer idea of what's going on there:


If you're getting that notification for every download link issued for that product, there may be a problem with the URL itself. To test it, copy that URL out of the product's settings, and paste it directly into your browser's address bar to see if that will start a download.

If you only get that notification once for a product, but subsequent links issued for the same product did not also generate the notification, then there was probably just a temporary connectivity glitch that prevented our server from being able to contact your file hosting server at that moment, which has since cleared up.