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Jan 2014

Hi there!

I am planning on releasing a product in the near future in which I will want to split the costs with my collaborator 50/50. I read on the forums from several months ago that automatic payment splitting wasn't currently available but was being strongly considered as a new feature for the future. What is the status of this? If it is not currently out, do you know when we might be able to expect such a feature?

Thanks very much for your work and help!


  • created

    Jan '14
  • last reply

    Jan '14
  • 2


  • 1.1k


  • 2


  • 1


That suggestion is on our wishlist for consideration as a possible new feature at some point in the future, but at present we have no specific plans or schedule for implementing it. Meanwhile, our Transaction Log makes it pretty easy to calculate sales volume/revenue for any given product in a given time period, so you can calculate a share to pay to your collaborator independently of us -- see this related forum discussion for further details and instructions:
