I'm trying to figure out how to output customer data to the csv format that the US Postal Service requires for their automated postage payment & mailing label system. Basically, all I want to do is parse text.
I'm trying out sample code. I direct transaction data to http://budgetjustified.com/geturlTest.htm
which is supposed to call http://budgetjustified.com/cgibin/testParse.pl and output some text junk to a csv file. It seems as though nothing is getting output to the file, not even the text I hardcoded in testParse.pl .
Which makes me think something isn't being called. I tried placing testParse.pl in the cgi-bin directory, and tried it in the home directory. No results. Is there an example htm file that calls an example text parsing script that works with ejunkie? I think this should be a fairly simple task, but I'm rusty on syntax.