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Apr 2008

I'm trying to allow downloads on my site's redirection page. Everything is working fine and getting me back to the download page, but the variables d & d_id are not available in the url string to give users access to the files.

I know you can use <?php echo $GET['firstname']; ?> with PHP, but the only available strings are txn_id, first_name and last_name.

I see from the default download page that the link to download a file is:

http://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/df.php?txn2id=XXXXXXXXX&d_id=XXXXXXX, but d_id isn't available in the string.

Help please!

  • created

    Apr '08
  • last reply

    Apr '08
  • 3


  • 1.0k


  • 3


  • 8


10 days later

I just responded to you via email, but for the benefit of others playing along at home:

First, make sure that you have specified your remotely-hosted download URL for the relevant product(s) in your E-junkie Seller Admin; that done, all you really need is for your PHP to dynamically fetch the contents of:


... for each download (where XXX is the txn_id we POSTed to you for that transaction), and then use your code to parse the output of that URL to extract the unique-expirable download URL we provide to each buyer and then re-output that unique URL in the context of your own page.