7 / 17
Feb 2011

Just wondering if this feature is coming on the near horizon? Need purchasers to click "I agree" to continue with purchase after adding to cart but before payment. Or "I don't agree" to stop the checkout process.

  • created

    Jan '11
  • last reply

    Aug '15
  • 16


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  • 9


  • 8



We don't have any plans to add this feature into our service directly since it is something you can add to your website itself. The most direct way would be to place all of your purchasing buttons on a page that can only be accessed if a buyer has clicked "I agree" to your terms.

For example your initial store page could still have product buttons that all actually lead to your terms page, and the "agree" link then leads to your actual, functional store page.

It would also be possible to code some javascript into your site that disables your buttons unless or until the agreement is made, but we couldn't give you direct advice on that kind of programming.

Hello -

we are actually looking for teh exactly the some option - to add a checkbox to the checkout cart - "yes i have read the term of .... link to terms and conditions etc etc etc" or in german " ja - ich habe die bedingungen gelsen etc etc etc"

the problem is that in germany it´s almost law that you triple inform your customers about their rights - especially important when you sell tangible products.

E-junkie looks so great - ít´s our favorite option for our upcoming 4 online shops - but we really miss a function discribed by "canuckystan" - and these checkbox funtion on every page - plus the text describtion "please check this box before you can buy.... over and over agaian again - that is reallys not that nice for the layout of any shop.

Please put i on the "to do " list - super important for euriopean business in the future.

bes regards from hamburg - germany


We'll be happy to add this to our wishlist for consideration, but again please remember that this is something you can already handle on your website itself. There is nothing in our service to interfere with any terms of service agreements you need to create -- and furthermore, imposing a one-size-fits-all terms of service option within our service would be even worse for merchants who may have to adhere to specific local laws.

If anyone is having trouble implementing the necessary terms of service agreements on their site we can recommend getting in touch with an experienced developer who can put them together, such as the ones listed on our directory here:


Hi there!

I would like to add some information:

In Germany says the law, the buyer must (!) have the possibility to view the terms and agreements at the step before payment in an online-shop.

No Terms of Agreements is the other option - most of the time this is not good for the seller.

Third "solution" take the risk of getting sued.

So far... I would like to see the checkbox feature :)



You could just add a link inside your cart, which the buyer could click view a Terms page if they wish, although checkout could not be made dependent on them indicating they have read and agree. Simply add the following lines to your View Cart code on every page, just before the "// -->" line in the standard View Cart code you obtained from Seller Admin:

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {


"<a href='http://www.yoursite.com/terms.html' target='blank'>Click here</a> to view our Terms and Conditions");


...where of course 'http://www.yoursite.com/terms.html' should be the URL of your terms page. Using target='blank' as shown would open the link in a new window/tab, so the buyer will find their cart still visible awaiting checkout when they close that window/tab.

Thanks! I think this solves the Problem in combination with the agreement on the website.

To complete this post, here is a possibility how to integrate the Terms & Agreements on the website with jquery:

<script type="text/javascript">




if ($("#checkme").is(":checked"))











Please check terms and agreements <input id="checkme" type="checkbox" />

<div id="hideme">

the button-code in this div




1 month later

Hi - I'm new to e-junkie and looking at using it to set up our new on-line store.

Ejunkie is the full package - offering a combination of features that I couldn't find in any one other cart provider :-)

One thing I can't understand however and the one box E-Junkie hasn't ticked, is the inability to integrate into the payment process a check box to confirm the customer agrees with the terms and conditions of the seller's site.

I must admit, I don't understand why this seems to be difficult to offer??? Wouldn't it just be a matter of the E-Junkie account holder providing the text to appear in the terms and conditions and on the page where the customer inputs their name and address for example, they could click a link to bring up a window containing the terms & conditions. They could then click an "I agree" box to indicate they have agreed with them. It could be a required field so they couldn't go on without doing so.

The options offered to get around the lack of this facility are not really suitable for online stores with pages and pages of add to cart buttons. It's not practical to say "by adding to cart you agree to our terms" under every add to cart button on every page.

Likewise, it would feel a lot safer if the customer had to click I agree before paying.

Is there a particular reason that E-Junkie has not added this feature??

Otherwise, I think this cart solution is fantastic and I'd like to start using it ASAP.

Best wishes


We do have that suggestion on our wishlist for consideration as a possible new feature.

Meanwhile, you can add some text to the cart itself, with a link to your Terms page; just add these lines to your View Cart code on every page, just before the "// -->" line in the standard View Cart code you obtained from your Seller Admin:

function EJEJC_config() {



function EJEJC_shown() {


"By placing your order, you agree to our <a href='http://www.yoursite.com/terms.html'>Terms and Conditions</a>");


By adding some custom JavaScript to your site, it may also be possible to disable the checkout buttons in the cart unless the buyer ticks a checkbox indicating their agreement; if you'd need some help with that, we can recommend the competent, E-junkie-experienced developers listed in our directory here:


11 months later

Any progress on the terms option on the wishlist? Searching the forums it appears this is something that has been requested several times. I'm using Google Sites which means I can't use JavaScript workaround, so a built in option would be so much easier unless someone has any other suggestions.

Unfortunately our development process has reached a bottle neck in terms of updating our admin interface. Until we can clear that hurdle most other wishlist items are on hold, particularly ones for features that can otherwise be achieved via external customization.

E-JunkieMonsterUnfortunately our development process has reached a bottle neck in terms of updating our admin interface. Until we can clear that hurdle most other wishlist items are on hold, particularly ones for features that can otherwise be achieved via external customization.

Thanks, I appreciate the response.

If anyone reading this can offer any help it getting it to work within Google sites perhaps using a gadget or Google script please let me know.

2 years later

I'm assuming that there is nothing new as far as a T&C box yet since the last post was in March of 2012. This is on my wish list as well. I have the code to replace into a standard Paypal button in order to add it but the e-junkie code is a bit different.

If I wanted to replace this line:

<form action="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr" method="post">

Does anyone know where it would go in the e-junkie checkout code?

1 year later

I have a question regaring the users who turned off javascript. If I use the juxtoprose's suggestion above (to which I am really grateful), will I be able tell who did not click on the license agreement and then bought the books? I was thinking of doing a personal follow-up with such users. Acc. to some stats less than 1% of the users opt out of javascript.

Thank you very much!

One thing you can do is only show the Add to Cart button if Javascript is enabled. This approach will display a message to visitors who have JS disabled, which gets replaced with your actual Add to Cart button for visitors who have JS enabled:

<p id="addtocart1"><i><b>You must have javascript enabled to agree to our Terms & Conditions and place an order.</b></i></p>

<script type="text/javascript">

document.getElementById('addtocart1').innerHTML = '<a onclick="return agreed(this);" href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=XXXXXX&cl=291558&ejc=2" target="ejejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejadd_to_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart"/></a>';


If you have Add to Cart buttons for different products on the same page, take care to use a different id value for each one -- e.g., where the first button has <p id="addtocart1"> and document.getElementById('addtocart1'), for a second product's button you'd specify addtocart2, third button uses addtocart3, etc.