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Mar 2011

Dear E-Junkie,

On my product configuration page, the display shows in red "Uploaded product1.pdf on May 10, 2010 .."

I click "Overwrite product file" and complete the upload process to upload a more recent version of my product.

When the upload completes, a message says "You may now close this window." I close the window

and the product configuration page appears, but the file name has not been updated to the recently uploaded filename.

It still says "product1.pdf".

If I click Back and then Edit to refresh the product configuration, the newly uploaded filename appears.

I find this just slightly confusing. It would be great if when the upload is complete that closing that window causes an automatic refresh of the product configuration page.



  • created

    Mar '11
  • last reply

    Mar '14
  • 3


  • 1.4k


  • 3


Thanks for bringing that up; it's just a byproduct of the way our current Flash-based Seller Admin has to work. That will probably be resolved in the new HTML-based Seller Admin we've been working on, but I'll put it on the wishlist just to make sure our Developers are aware of your suggestion.

2 years later

HI! I uploaded my album as individual songs but did not research how to package them as a CD until after the uploading process. There, I found that to keep the songs in correct CD order, I needed to number them as a part of naming them. QUESTION! Can I change the names of those song files (by adding their number) without re-uploading them? Do I risk having problems...when editing those files (adding the numbers)? It only gives me an option to re-upload them!

Unfortunately, we don't have a way of renaming files that have already been uploaded. However, the filename used for downloads will be taken from whichever is shorter: your original uploaded filename or the product's Item Name; thus, if you can somehow add track #s to your Item Names and still keep those shorter than the uploaded filename (not counting the .mp3 extension), that may achieve the desired result.