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Sep 2013

I skimmed the forums to see if I could find an existing answer to my question, but didn't find anything that directly helped in clearing the air for me.

I have a domain that I sell an organic fertilizer on, feedmyplanet.com. I have 2 friends that would like to be affiliates on a subdomain of feedmyplanet.com, e.g. drjanice.feedmyplanet.com.

My question is, can e-junkie differentiate how the sales comes through on subdomains? I want to make sure that if a customer comes through my main domain, feedmyplanet.com, that I don't have to pay an affiliate share to someone and that if a buyer comes through drjanice.feedmyplanet.com, that affiliate does get credit for their sale. I will end up having 2 subdomain affiliates similar to the domain drjanice.feedmyplanet.com so that why I want to be sure the affiliate payouts will be correctly divided.



  • created

    Sep '13
  • last reply

    Sep '13
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We don't have any way of determining or displaying what site domain a sale was made from, but if you can make your button codes differ among subdomain sites, you could add a &custom=somename attribute to your button URLs on each subdomain, like so:

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?c=cart&i=100100&cl=20545&ejc=2&custom=drjanice" target="ejejc" class="ec_ejc_thkbx" onClick="javascript:return EJEJC_lc(this);"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/ejadd_to_cart.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart"/></a>

That said, you may be interested in using our built-in affiliate system to track referrals and commission earnings, without needing to set up subdomains or alter your button codes:


This help page explains the system from an affiliate's perspective:


I definitely want to use the built in affiliate system to track referrals, etc, but I don't want my 2 affiliates to purchase new domains. That's why I'm looking into the subdomain option. It's free for them to get set up.

Looking more in depth to the links you provided, a hop link or direct link on a subdomain would still be able to track that a sale resulted because of a particular affiliate due to the code in the button. Do I have that correct? I just wanted to be sure the affiliate commission tracking system wouldn't get confused by hop links and direct links being on subdomains of the same parent site.

Thanks again!

Unless the subdomain is very specific to the individual affiliate you can just have them send the people directly to your site using their affiliate link. Once they arrive at your site then anything the people they send in buy will get credited back to them.

All of the work you would have then is just supplying them the link which only takes a few seconds.

Hope that helps.


I don't quite follow what purpose these subdomains would serve or how your affiliates would use them? That said, our affiliate links work the same regardless of what sites/domains the affiliate links and your actual purchase buttons are on. We can provide two different types of link code to your affiliates, Hop Links and Direct Links.

Hop Links simply redirect the buyer to whatever landing page you have specified for the link; this would typically be your site's homepage or main shopping page. You can also enable product-specific Hop Links that redirect to your sales page for that specific product.

Regardless of what Hop Link a buyer clicks, before we redirect them to the landing page for that link, we first set a referral cookie in the buyer's browser that expires in 6 months. Anything that buyer purchases from you during the lifespan of that cookie will earn the referring affiliate a commission according to your product-specific % for any purchased items that have one or your common % for any other purchased items.

With Hop Links, the buyer is shopping and purchasing directly with you on the same site you use for non-affiliate sales, so there is no need to set up a separate "online store" site for each affiliate, as they can just post their Hop Link anywhere online to refer buyers to your site.

Direct Links are optional and would work as purchase buttons the affiliate could place on their own site (if they have one), so buyers could shop and purchase on the affiliate's site without ever having to visit your regular site. The buyer would still be purchasing directly from you, but their order would reference that affiliate, who would earn the product-specific % on any items purchased through their Direct Links (your common % does not apply to Direct Link sales).