I skimmed the forums to see if I could find an existing answer to my question, but didn't find anything that directly helped in clearing the air for me.
I have a domain that I sell an organic fertilizer on, feedmyplanet.com. I have 2 friends that would like to be affiliates on a subdomain of feedmyplanet.com, e.g. drjanice.feedmyplanet.com.
My question is, can e-junkie differentiate how the sales comes through on subdomains? I want to make sure that if a customer comes through my main domain, feedmyplanet.com, that I don't have to pay an affiliate share to someone and that if a buyer comes through drjanice.feedmyplanet.com, that affiliate does get credit for their sale. I will end up having 2 subdomain affiliates similar to the domain drjanice.feedmyplanet.com so that why I want to be sure the affiliate payouts will be correctly divided.
Sep '13
last reply
Sep '13
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