If I could piggy-back on Darren...first off, you guys are FANTASTIC. I used lots of different services before landing on e-Junkie, and it's been such a pleasure.
Really my only request is for the ability to set up recurring payments for membership sites. About half of my business is based on recurring income, and unfortunately, I can't use e-junkie to sell those products. I would happily pay more for this feature, since not every will need it.
I've read where you guys have said you CAN'T support recurring payments through Paypal because you're not a payment processor, but I would simply ask that you give it another look. PayDotCom.com and WP eStore (wordpress plug-in) can both do it easily. They're not processing payments, they're simply redirecting to paypal and creating a recurring payment profile for the customer.
To be able to handle ALL of my business through e-Junkie, and to be able to use e-Junkie's affiliate program for my membership sites, would be fan-freaking-tastic. I'm on the $18/month plan. I'd happily pay much, MUCH more for this feature.
Thanks again for a great service!