Would you please help me with this?
I have sent an email, you have not responed just yet, so I am going to post as well.
It seems that I am not the only one that is having this trouble.
I can not get the link for fund raiser to work for me.
I have placed tags and links in my website before and never had this kind of trouble.
I have gone to create code, I copied and pasted using firefox and the opera browsers.
I have set my cookies, I have set my java, I have set my pop up blocker, I have used three kinds of blogs, I have placed in my website as a link and a banner inside of the site.
in all situations the result is the same, It goes no place. This is the link I have for this product:
<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?ii=38093&c"><img border="0" src="http://www.bedzzzinn.com/images/fundbanner.jpg" width="475" height="70">
This is the banner link, now it seems that my affilliate ID should be in there some where.
The banner does come up, it is visible, but when you click on it, it comes up a blank page.
Now it does seem to me that the fund raiser product does belong to this company.
I am not going to place my ID# in this post, lets just say it is #65789, where about in this code would I place my ID#, does it need to be added to the code that is in this post, my
ID# does not appear in this tag.
If you could would you please give me an example fo what it would look like if my ID# was 65789, maybe this could help me. I do not believe that this is a fruad, I just think that the link is made up improperly and just links to no place.
I sure would appreciate it if you could give me some help here.
you can send me an email through: ashkor.t@gmail.com
I have just joined and I am sure I will need a friend in the bizz, would you mind keeping in touch with me, I promise not to get rude... Koreen