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Mar 2011


I'm in the process of building a site that would generate a decent amount of traffic from affiliate links. However, I would like for the link that the affiliate uses to go to the home page, not the sales/buy now/ceckout page.

Will the affiliate still receive a percentage even if the link redirects to the home page and not the checkout page?



  • created

    Mar '11
  • last reply

    Jul '11
  • 6


  • 1.5k


  • 3


  • 5


First, I'll refer you to the help page for our affiliate system, which explains all the settings and how the system works:


This help page for affiliates explains the system from their perspective:


You can define whatever landing page you wish for your affiliate hop links. The simplest way to set things up would use a Common Hop Link, which you can define in your E-junkie Seller Admin > Edit Affiliate Program Settings. This gives your affiliates just one easy link they can obtain to refer buyers to your site; this should probably lead to your home page or main online-store page. On that same screen, you can also optionally define a common share percentage, which would apply to all affiliate-referred sales for all your products across the board.

You can also optionally set up product-specific hop links with their own landing pages, by going to Seller Admin > Setup Product Specific Affiliate Programs, select a product, then click Edit Affiliate Settings for that product, and enable "Affiliates link to a page on your Web site" and provide the URL of a landing page for that product. You can also optionally enter a product-specific share percentage here, which would override the common share % for all affiliate-referred sales of this particular product.

Regardless of which type of hop link a buyer follows or what landing page the link redirects to, clicking any hop link sets a referral cookie in the buyer's browser which expires in 6 months. Any product that buyer purchases from you during the lifespan of that cookie will earn the referring affiliate your product-specific % for products that have one, or your Common share % for all other products.

Thanks so much for quick and helpful response!

Is it possible for affiliates to pick which URL they'd like to redirect users to? I'm going to have users who contribute to a blog, and would like to enable them to create an affiliate link back to their most recent blog entry.

Thanks again.

The point of an affiliate hop link is to direct potential buyers to a page where they can actually buy something from you. Affiliates cannot specify any arbitrary landing page URL of their own. You can offer a common hop link which directs buyers to a common landing page for your online store, and you can set up product-specific hop links which direct buyers to a specific landing page for that product.

I suppose if you wanted, you could add a "product" in your Seller Admin for each affiliate, then enable a product-specific hop link for each affiliate's product which redirects to that affiliate's blog page; though there wouldn't be much point in that if buyers couldn't buy anything when they get there.

If your intention is to provide affiliates with a blog where they can post their hop links to reach your online store, and you just want to provide each affiliate with a link to send people to their own blog, that latter type of link should be a feature built-into your blogging platform's software rather than anything to do with our affiliate system.

3 months later


I've been searching the forum for the answer to my question and this one comes the closest. It probably even has the answer...I just don't want to hear it.

My site is a subscription site that offers fantasy NASCAR statistics resources/tools. My (yet to be released) affiliate offer is commission on subscription sales. Some site owners that will become affiliates are already linking to various internal pages on my site that are relevant to blog posts they are writing.

It would not be optimal for them to be referencing a statistics page on my site in their article and then have to use the Common Hop Link that lands their reader not on that statistics page but on a landing page or my home page.

My research on this forum leads me to believe that is my only option if I want to use the Common Hop Link. One specific page for all incoming affiliate links. True?

Could I create Product Specific Hop Links that land on each of my main statistics pages they would most likely be linking to? There are about 14 such pages that dynamically change each week but the url remains the same. It is all the same product I am selling (site subscriptions) but then the affiliate could use the appropriate cookie-generating link to send their reader to the appropriate page they are referencing in their article and still get the credit for it.

I realize that breaks the theory of 'product specific' since they are all the same product (site subscriptions). Would I have to create redundant products as well for each link?

Does that make sense and do I understand my options correctly?


Our system has no way of handling recurring payments such as a subscription or installment plan, so if that's what you need to sell, E-junkie probably isn't the right solution for you. However, if your "subscription" is really just a one-shot payment to gain access to your service for some period of time, then that might work with us.

If you wanted to offer a selection of links that your affiliates could use, then you would indeed need to create a separate product for each landing page and enable the product-based hop link for each one. Affiliates wouldn't be able to just link directly to pages on your site, like they do now, and have that referral somehow associated with them; they would need to get their proper referral link from their E-junkie Affiliate Admin.

As another alternative, simpler for affiliates but more complex to set up at your end, you could have just the single, Common Hop Link URL, so affiliates would obtain just that one, easy referral link from Affiliate Admin. Then to make that link redirect to different pages, they could add a parameter to the end of their hop link URL, like so:


That last parameter (page=somepageID) would be unrecognized by our system, so when someone clicks through that affiliate's link, we'd just append that parameter to the URL of your Common Hop Link landing page, like so:


Your Common Hop Link landing page URL would need to point to a custom script that looks for that extra parameter, so if it finds one when someone lands there, it redirects them to the appropriate page. To help set this up, we can recommend the competent, E-junkie-experienced developers listed in our directory here:


Hi E-junkieGuru-

Thanks for the response. I do currently use E-junkie to handle my subscription payments as they are a one-time, non-recurring charge. The system has been fantastic.

I am just moving towards working with other sites in my niche to pay them a commission on new subscribers they send my way.

Your alternative method is interesting. I will think about that one and maybe give it a try.

Thanks again.