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Nov 2009

I read some threads here from 2007 that said there is no way to incorporate an affiliate agreement in the e-Junkie interface; is that still the case?

I have no problem putting it on my site, but I was wondering how other merchants are handling this. Basically, I'd like to have potential affiliates agree to terms (like no spamming, etc.) before I accept them.

Do most of you automatically accept anyone who applies, or do you manually approve? Is any of this issue part of the e-Junkie setup, or is it all done on the merchant's end? Do you have a form with an "I agree" checkbox that you wait to be submitted by the applicant before you approve?

Thanks in advance for any pointers you can give the EJ noob here.

  • created

    Nov '09
  • last reply

    Nov '09
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If you post your E-junkie affiliate sign-up link, anyone can click that link to join and participate in your affiliate program near-instantly without any action required of you. We have no way (at our end at least) to present an agreement or make affiliates apply to join your program, subject to your approval.

You could still do something like that entirely from your end, having affiliates agree to your terms and apply to join from your own Web site, and only upon your approval would you give them your actual E-junkie sign-up link. Simpler yet, you could simply have an affiliate agreement page on your site, where the sign-up link at the bottom of the agreement says something like "Accept" or "I Agree". In this case, you would also want to go into your Seller Admin > Affiliate Program Settings screen and UNcheck "List affiliate program in E-junkie Marketplace".

Just in case you haven't seen it yet, we have a help page for our affiliate system here:


...and another help page for affiliates, explaining how the system works from their perspective here:


Thank you for that explanation, it really helped!

So I would uncheck "list affiliate program in E-junkie Marketplace" because if people signed up through the marketplace, they would be bypassing the agreement on my site altogether, right? There is no way to make the link there ("Click here to join whatever.com's affiliate program") go back to my site, I'm assuming? If that's the case, it's fine; I just want to make sure I understand.

LauraBSo I would uncheck "list affiliate program in E-junkie Marketplace" because if people signed up through the marketplace, they would be bypassing the agreement on my site altogether, right? There is no way to make the link there ("Click here to join whatever.com's affiliate program") go back to my site, I'm assuming?

Yes, that is all correct.

Great, thanks for the quick help! I'm excited to get this going.

After pondering this some more, I've been wondering - couldn't I just put a link to my site in the body of my marketplace listing for those who are reading my listing because they're searching for a product to promote? Of course, I can't force them to click on it, but if they don't, I could maybe then e-mail them the agreement myself and request that they agree before continuing. Do you think this would be okay or does it violate your policies in any way?

You could do that, but existing affiliates would be searching or browsing just the Affiliate Programs listed in the Marketplace, so if you disable listing your own affiliate program in the Marketplace, it wouldn't show up in their searches even if you have regular product listings in Marketplace.

Oh - I guess I was a little confused - I thought the marketplace listings and the affiliate program listings were all in the same place. I'm not sure how to get my affiliate program listed. When I search in the marketplace it's there but when I search affiliate programs it's not. Am I missing something?

If you don't want affiliate program info added to your product listings in Marketplace, make sure you go to Seller Admin > Affiliate Program Settings and UNcheck "List Affiliate Program in E-junkie Marketplace" there, and of course always click Submit to save changes.

I'm not clear what you meant about the searches; I was able to find your product in both a Marketplace search and Affiliate Programs search for the word "eCourse". Google reindexes our site on about a weekly basis, so after you add or remove a listing, it may take a week or so for search results to reflect that change.

Okay, thanks for the explanation. So basically our sales info AND our affiliate program info should be put in the same listing when we post it, which is what I did, but somehow the wording made me think that they were supposed to be separate after all. I see now that the same thing is listed in both places.

Anyway, thanks! I think I'm all sorted out now!