AdWords has its own snippet of code that gets added to your page. Here is an example:
<!-- Google Code for YOURPAGE Sale Track Conversion Page -->
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var google_conversion_id = "some numbers";
var google_conversion_language = "en_US";
var google_conversion_format = "1";
var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";
var google_conversion_label = "some numbers and letters";
<script language="JavaScript" src="">
<img height="1" width="1" border="0" src=""same as conversion ID"/?label="same as conversion lable"&script=0"/>
So, there is probably good value in getting a unique E-Junkie's code for AdWords as was done for Analytics. Is this a easy problem to fix? If you compare the Google's Analytics code and the E-Junky Analytics code, the only difference is setting of variables:
try {
var pageTracker = gat.getTracker("UA-XXXXX-X");
} catch(err) {}
var ejGATracker = gat.getTracker("UA-XXXXX-X");
I'm not sure if there is additional coding that is done. If not, perhaps it is this easy to modify the AdWords:
var google_conversion_id = "some numbers";
var google_conversion_language = "en_US";
var google_conversion_format = "1";
var google_conversion_color = "ffffff";
var google_conversion_label = "some numbers and letters";
(var definition:
Tyson, sure would like some feedback on this ASAP.
Sorry to Penny and Russ. Like I said, I'm just trying to work through this problem myself.
Some more info comparing Analytics to Adwords:
Google Analytics differs from AdWords Conversion Tracking, here is how:
Also, from this page:
"Step 7 - Tag your advertising campaigns
Note to AdWords users: If you'll only be tracking AdWords campaigns, you may skip this step. Once you've linked your AdWords and Analytics accounts, AdWords keywords are automatically tagged with the required tracking variables."
"Generally speaking, you need to tag all of your paid keyword links, your banners and other ads, and the links inside your promotional email messages, except those in Google AdWords, which are automatically tagged. "
So, it seems that Analytics will allow you to see which key words are creating conversions. I'm not sure how the AdWords Conversion tracking will differ from Analytics in terms of information and the ability to tweak settings.