I created a custom button from the above site and here is the code it generated:
<div id='altcontent1'><center><a href='http://www.troynotes.com/'><img src='Belcher-Button.jpg' alt='9' width='400' height='209' border='0' /></a></center></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var flashvars = {priceText: 'Regular%20Price%20%2449%20Today%20%2429', paypal: 'no_frame', soundPath: 'null', ubbID: '1', url: 'http%3A//www.troynotes.com/', urlTarget: 'self', strikeBegin: '14', strikeEnd: '17', message: 'Loading%20the%20secure%20page%0DPlease%20wait...', dashLength: '15', spaceLength: '15', thickness: '5', trimScale: '1', frameColor: '13369344' }; var params = {}; params.allowscriptaccess = 'always'; params.menu = false; var attributes = { }; swfobject.embedSWF('troynotesultimate_belcher_button1.swf', 'altcontent1', '400', '209', '9.0.0', '', flashvars, params, attributes); </script>
I highlighted the following and tried to insert it at the appropriate place in the html code to replace the e-junkie url and there was a box that showed up with nothing in it that when I clicked on the box sent me to checkout:
img src='Belcher-Button.jpg' alt='9' width='400' height='209' border='0' /></a></center></div>
<script type='text/javascript'>
var flashvars = {priceText: 'Regular%20Price%20%2449%20Today%20%2429', paypal: 'no_frame', soundPath: 'null', ubbID: '1', url: 'http%3A//www.troynotes.com/', urlTarget: 'self', strikeBegin: '14', strikeEnd: '17', message: 'Loading%20the%20secure%20page%0DPlease%20wait...', dashLength: '15', spaceLength: '15', thickness: '5', trimScale: '1', frameColor: '13369344' }; var params = {}; params.allowscriptaccess = 'always'; params.menu = false; var attributes = { }; swfobject.embedSWF('troynotesultimate_belcher_button1.swf', 'altcontent1', '400', '209', '9.0.0', '', flashvars, params, attributes); </script>
Did I paste the right thing?