1 / 11
Mar 2010


I am hosting my Website on inmotionhosting and I am using their Web Builder as I dont know too much about coding. How can I place the "add to cart" button on the right hand side of my website (after the price). When I place the "the add to cart" code button in the script window , the button is always on the left. The code for the button is below (I changed the numbers), I would be grateful if someone could offer some help and change the code a bit. I have read the previous post regarding this topic but they were to "technical" and didnt help me at all. Thanks for help in advance.

<a href="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/gb.php?i=123456&c=cart&cl=123456" onClick="javascript:ejw=window.open(this.href,'paypal','width=850,height=600,toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,menubar=no,status=1,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes');ejw.focus();this.blur();return false;" target="paypal"><img src="http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/x-click-but22.gif" border="0" alt="Add to Cart" /></a>

  • created

    Mar '10
  • last reply

    Mar '10
  • 10


  • 857


  • 2


  • 6


First, I notice you are using the "PayPal Cart" version of button codes we make available; these buttons don't work well anymore and will be removed from Seller Admin very soon. You DO NOT need to use that version of buttons just to take payments with PayPal. Our standard E-junkie Cart buttons will offer buyers a PayPal checkout button in the cart, and this will provide full support for all our other features as well.

If you can provide the URL of your page, we can take a look and maybe make suggestions to change the alignment of your button. It may be a simple matter of adding <div align=right> before your E-junkie Cart button code and </div> after it.

Thank you for suggestions.

I will provide you with my URL asap.


If you look at my website www.interactiveboardmaths.com (go to Games and Numbers) you can see that the button is on the right hand side. I solved the problem by placing the button code in the table (it is only temporary solution). I would be grateful if you could add the necessary adjustment to the button code so that it always stays on the right (behind the price)

It looks like that should work fine for what you wanted.

Because ours is a centrally-managed system shared in common among all 8000+ merchants subscribed to our service, it is not possible to make a custom modification to how our service works for just one merchant that would not also apply the same change to every other merchant as well, so we have no way to customize the button code provided in your own Seller Admin.


I am not happy with the button which is below the price (it looks strange). I would be grateful if you could suggest a piece of code which places the button always on the right. It is probably a matter of adding align=right in my code. Thank you for help

You could simply add <p align="right"> before the button code, and then add </p> after the code of course.


Thank you very much for your help.

E-junkie have an excellent service (even for such a beginner as me) and this is the main reason why I decided to extend my free trial period
