4 / 4
Oct 2011


Is it possible to add a thumbnail or a link to each item in the cart?

The product image/thumbnail I want to show is uploaded/provided by the customer (to create a custom sticker), and not known beforehand.

E.g. if I click on View Cart, I'd like to see:

[thumbnail of item1], "Item 1", [link to product page], quantiy: 1, $50

[thumbnail of item2], "Item 2", [link to product page], quantity: 2, $20


I would like to show the customer an image of the product, or at least be able to show a link so that he/she can click to review the image.


  • created

    Sep '11
  • last reply

    Sep '11
  • 3


  • 1.1k


  • 3


  • 1


I'm sorry, but there would not be a way to let a buyer upload an image and then place that image in the cart.

What about a link to the product page? Are links allowed in the cart?