Thanks Tyson - Just a few follow-ons...
2-3) The Buyer Templated email is all fine, but I wouldn't want to bother them with all the "internal" order information, and so my suggestion to be able to receive cleanly formatted order notifications still stands. :)
4) Indeed, I used the consecutive feature yesterday for about 52 new products, but it would still be nice to go in after-the-fact and do a quick dupe of a product. :)
5) I've already uploaded my custom header logo and I am a reseller, but it still doesn't remove the E-Junkie link on the top-right of the page (bottom-right of the header), unless I've done something wrong. It's not a big deal, but most cart services either remove that on paid subscriptions or allow an option to do so for a couple bucks/month. This might open up your usability a little.
6) Cool, yeah, I'm aware of the plans, but wanted to put in my $.02 about having some options when the feature is enabled, as some hybrid functionality would be most useful.
7) Cool, good to know re the GoogBase feed. Even so, the ability to download the list (or upload for that matter) would still be very useful for those interested in converting their product list into PAD files or populating any other marketing service besides Google.
8) Wow, I can't believe I hadn't found this support page yet - very cool. Thanks! Anyway, a nice little upload your cart-formatted image feature would be nicey.
9) I hear ya - it's only a few more bucks per month anyway, and well worth it, at least with fewer than 60 or so products. :)
Thanks again,