2 / 11
Sep 2010

Is 2checkout supposed to redirect to the TY page? We just ran a live purchase test (0.01) and the transaction went well. However 2checkout ends at their own order details page.

We did receive all emails including download link which is good.



Hrm, they used to auto-redirect to the thank-you page after checkout; perhaps they don't anymore, or maybe there's a setting in your 2CO account to enable that now?

BTW, the main reason we offer the 2CO option is for benefit of sellers outside the US or UK who need an alternative to PayPal. Sellers in the US or UK with a similar need would probably do better to consider Google Checkout and/or Authorize.Net as PayPal alternatives before resorting to 2CO, not least because those payment methods are supported for our shopping cart with benefit of the full range of our features, whereas we can only support 2CO with Buy Now buttons that bypass the cart and take buyers to instant checkout for just one item at a time and thus cannot use any of our cart-based features such as shipping, tax, or discount calculation.

Thanks for the response. I checked with 2Checkout and they do have a place to insert the "Approved" URL. Currently it is BLANK. Should I use this for anything?

I'm with you! However we have customers worldwide where PP and GC refuse to accept payments. 2CO has been a god send in this respect.

All good.

I found some addition options inside 2checkout.

Direct Return Section

After completing an order, buyers should be:

A. Given links back to my website

B. Immediately returned to my website

C. Header Redirect (Your URL)

What would you suggest here?



3 years later

Hi, I am getting this too. Specifically, I turned 2checkout to demo mode to test the transaction. I went through the checkout process, entered my credit card, and received a receipt in my email from 2checkout. It was during the redirection back to the e-junkie 'thank you' page that I just get a blank white page. Here is the URL of that page:

I don't have the 'enable templated email' checked with nothing in the email field above that as you mentioned as well.

I'm getting this after following your instructions to the letter from this post: http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/selling-with-2checkout.htm1. I've also followed the trouble shooting here: http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/trouble.2checkout.htm.

It seems that everything fine except being redirected back to the E-Junkie thank you page. My 2Checkout settings are set to 'header redirect' URL as https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/2cocart.php and I've changed the secret password to match twice with the same problem. Can you help me figure out how to get the user to return back to the e-junkie thank you page after payment via 2checkout?

Oh - checked the E-Junkie free downloads transactions and it is showing a successful transaction for both of my tests, I just can't get back to the thank you page correctly.

We do not support 2CO Demo mode transactions; our system will only process live sales, so that alone would explain why your demo orders for testing did not work.

It appears we have never processed any live 2CO sales for you previously, so I'm guessing you're just setting up 2CO now and haven't actually tested a live sale yet, nor had buyers report trouble with actual orders paid via 2CO? If so, just switch your 2CO account out of Demo mode, and it should work. When placing a live test order, you could temporarily change your product price to 0.01 and/or refund the payment in 2CO after testing.

BTW, your Free Downloads Log only lists free links you have issued either manually using "Send Free Download Link" or in a batch using "Send Updates/Newsletter". Your Transaction Log lists actual orders we have processed that were placed through your E-junkie purchase buttons.

Thank you for writing back so quick! This answers my question perfectly. I was using the demo mode to test the transaction as that is what 2checkout suggests and there was nothing in the E-Junkie admin or forum that specifically says NOT to do this! You might want to include that in your instructions as I'm sure I'm not the only one who's made this mistake.

A quick note: the Free Download Logs does in fact show the free demo transactions I ran through 2Checkout - there were two transactions at the exact times I did them, just in case anyone else has this question later on down the road.

Thanks again for the super speedy response!

Hi Mike,

Demo transactions shouldn't be getting entered into our system in any form--the blank white page you were getting was the processing script quitting when it saw that it was a demo transaction.

I checked your test transactions vs. your download log and the times look different to me:

free links on 12-17:

j-mxy7s9d944f30d6 - 2013-12-17 06:39:33 MST

j-mxy8k540107dd12 - 2013-12-17 06:56:17 MST

then your tests, which were roughly 10 hours later:

2co 5159678900 - 16:37:27 Dec 17, 2013 MST

2co 5159688506 - 16:54:04 Dec 17, 2013 MST

Do you happen to recall sending a couple free links this morning?

You know what, you are totally right. I was mistaking the time stamps. I sent out two freebies to myself this morning to make sure a facebook tracking pixel snippet wasn't showing up after posting it in the body of the thank you page. By the way, thank you for helping me with that support request as well!