8 / 8
Jul 2009

Music < Soundbanks < Sort by: Best Selling

look at the results...best selling...or only selling? haha

its not that big of an accomplishment, i know,

i just thought that would make you read this! :wink:


I am so glad i found your service!

I only wish I had discovered it sooner,

Based only on my free account, some research, and my current woes@payloadzz

You now have another loyal customer/affiliate/reseller!

I only wish I knew why (in my initial quest) I ended up at payloadz instead of e-junkie...?

(a question for the marketing dept. perhaps?)

Anyway, on to the main point of this thread:

Do you guys (staff or users) have any advice for a SMOOTH transition?

I assume there are many here with my same experience,

and I just want to make sure I don't overlook anything in my rush!

Thanks in advance for any help!


  • created

    Jul '09
  • last reply

    Jul '09
  • 7


  • 1.4k


  • 3


  • 4


Here is some added hilarity,

After a month of emails chasing down the $10 they owe me,

((PL payments "enabled" by mistake for one day and one sale))

yesterday I threatened to cancel my PL acct.

Today I was auto-charged for my subscription!

ah.... the comedy!

Sorry to hear of your troubles with "the other leading brand", but glad to have you with us! :^)

Our system is designed to be really quite straightforward to configure and set up, and you have a fully-functional 7-day free trial period which begins as soon as you register for an E-junkie login. Our Getting Started help page is a good place to begin setting up your E-junkie service:


If you have any other questions or need further advice about E-junkie, feel free to post your inquiry here in the forum, or just send us an email:


Cool, thank you Tyson,

How about now for my first question?!

I realize e-junkie is not for "free" products

but my survival depends on giving away freebies.

A reader must subscribe to my list (aweber) to access free DL's

I have never had more than 100 subscribers in one day (biggest day yet=89)

So, do you think this will work for me?

If 99 people downloaded all 5 freebies...

would it pass my limit or is it 100 DL's per "product"

I would GLADLY pay more,

to be able to have every product and freebie "under one roof" so to speak.

Perhaps some future update will accommodate?

We only count the number of Free Checkouts per day, regardless of how many free items are added to the cart any given Free Checkout. Free items ordered along with regular-price items do not count as a Free Checkout and so would not apply to the limit at all.

You would probably want to use our Aweber integration to have your free-item customers subscribed to your Aweber list:


There isn't any specific advice we have about making a smooth transition; our system is pretty simple and straightforward, and moving from Payloadz is about the same as migrating from anywhere else or setting up with us from scratch in the first place, so our Getting Started page should be the only "transition guide" you'll need.

Also notice the "help" link in blue under the Sellers tab up top, leading to our main index of documentation and help pages (where we're always working on improvements):


If you have any questions or need advice about how to accomplish something specific, just ask and we'll be glad to reply promptly to help out. :^)

ok, thanks again Tyson,

So far in the last two days, the transition has been pretty smooth.

the only thing holding me back is myself.

I just gotta update the "flash = transparent" thing on my blog,

and then i should be ready to launch the cart!


are you saying i should integrate my aweber ,

and they can hit the freebies from my cart (free checkout)

instead of my aweber signup sheets?

""NOTE: Newly subscribed buyers will receive an opt-in email from Aweber to confirm their wish to subscribe.""

^^it sounds like they would recieve the freebies BEFORE opting in...

and that's not what im after...

I promise i will "RTFM" :wink:

i just haven't had enough time as of yet

Thank you for being so patient and helpful,

I am very glad to be here!!

Yes, if you use our Aweber integration with your freebie products, then your customer simply has to complete an order for one of those products, and their name and email will be submitted to Aweber.

As far as we are aware, Aweber always sends an opt-in confirmation email to new subscribers, regardless of whether the subscription was initiated manually by an Aweber signup form or by our integration method or by any other means.

If you would prefer to keep using Aweber signup forms, perhaps you could have some sort of post-opt-in confirmation page displaying the freebie Add to Cart buttons, or otherwise provide a link somehow to a secret page on your site where the freebie cart buttons are provided.

Just a small advice from somebody who already switched from payloadz to e-junkie and did not regret it ever since: Payloadz includes your products in their online marketplace. The tricky part is, even if you delete your products, they might still be listed in the marketplace after you closed your account. And since their google search integration is good, you might end up with your products in google search results for a long time. So you may want to inform your customers. Also, free checkout works good at e-junkie.

008Music < Soundbanks < Sort by: Best Selling

Do you guys (staff or users) have any advice for a SMOOTH transition?

I assume there are many here with my same experience,

and I just want to make sure I don't overlook anything in my rush!

Thanks in advance for any help!
