9 / 20
Aug 2016

Just got an e-junkie warning i've rarely (never?) seen:

WARNING: Shipping paid by the buyer(0) does not match the shipping calculated in the


Fortunately, the customer was willing to kick in the shipping after the fact.

Any explanations, please?!

Ed P

Also, I thought I remembered being able to search the forums. Is that still here somewhere??

Ed P


We are currently investigating this issue, could you please email us at support@e-junkie.com with your transaction information so that we can look into your case?

At the moment our search function is down, but we plan on having it added back to the site's upper bar soon.

It happened again just now ($0 shipping)!!

What's the status on this??

Ed P

We've opened a ticket with PayPal Merchant Technical Support, as it appears the mixup could only have occurred during checkout on PayPal's site, so now we're just waiting on them to respond. Thanks for your patience while we work with them to sort this out.

Thanks for the update...

So far, it's been only the two orders with $0 shipping, but until I hear back, I'm checking every order that comes in (sigh).

Am I the only account seeing this??

Ed P

By now we've received reports from several other merchants affected by this issue, so it's not just you; all affected Transaction IDs reported to us have been posted to that PayPal MTS ticket we opened, so they can examine those cases to figure out what went wrong.

Just got two more orders with zero shipping!

What's the status on this, please!

Ed P

We're still awaiting any response from PayPal MTS on that ticket I opened with them a week ago, so I've emailed our liaison at PayPal personally to bring the matter to his attention and inquire about their progress towards a solution. Thanks for your patience while we wait on PayPal to resolve their problem.

This has been happening to us also, since August 1st. Today I called Paypal and had them look into it on their side. They checked out on my website and when the order was transferred to them the shipping charge was not there.

They said the error was not on their end.

I'll let the e-junkie guys chime in, but were you getting it all the time or just randomly? We've had 4 out of 20 or so orders have it missing since 7/30. And each time, e-junkie generated a warning message that the shipping amount in the cart was different than the amount in PayPal. Did you get such warning emails?

Ed P

Yep it's hit or miss....So far it's orders under $99 where the shipping doe not migrate into Paypal. We do get the generated e-junkie warning.

So it sounds like we have the same problem. And... it's not yet resolved for you either, right? And PayPal claims it's not on their end... so now what, is the ball back in e-junkie's court??

I think we do and it is not resolved. I'll give it a couple of more days and if it's not resolved I will need to move from Paypal or e-jukie or both. Most of my customer's understand but I've had a couple cancel their order because of the shipping problems.

PayPal customer service doesn't seem aware of the ticket we opened with MTS (Ticket ID 160801-000308), so we've been hearing that inquiries to them about this issue are being met with denials of any issue at their end and/or generic information about passing shipping amounts from a cart that's off-base for the actual problem. BTW, whenever you need to contact PayPal about any technical issue, we'd recommend calling 888-221-1161, which should get you to an elevated tier of support better acquainted with E-junkie and more knowledgeable than their regular front-line customer service agents.

We ARE passing precalculated shipping amounts from our cart to checkout, and as far as we've been able to tell, the problem seems to occur when their checkout site calls back to our system to recalculate shipping for the buyer's full, final shipping address. They seem to be sporadically either dropping the recalculated shipping amount we return to them in that callback, or dropping the precalculated shipping amount we'd passed from the cart as a fallback in case their recalculation callback fails or times out.

Affected merchants who have another payment gateway set up for card-based checkout may wish to disable PayPal checkouts temporarily until this issue is resolved. To do this, simply sign into Seller Admin and click Edit Profile, then un-tick the box next to Sell With PayPal, then click Submit to apply changes.

Thank you for your information about Paypal. I called the number you listed for Paypal. I'm not a big fan of Paypal to begin with, sometimes when companies get too big the customer service seems to go down. They were just convenient with the credit card processing and shipping modules working together.

Can you recommend another merchant processor that works well with e-junkie? I have never had any problems with e-junkie and we have been with you guys for several years.

We don't currently have a good alternative, and this is our busy season, so please light a fire under PayPal to get this resolved ASAP. The statement: "...while we wait on PayPal to resolve their problem" does not convey much urgency to me (sorry, but it sounds like since it's not a problem with your part of the handshake, it may sit broken indefinitely). I understand that you've checked all you can check on your end, but the fact is that the checkout process is broken and needs to be corrected, whatever the cause.

Thanks for your efforts thus far; please keep us updated.

Ed P

This help page lists the payment processors we currently integrate with:


Of those, Authorize.Net or 2Checkout would be the most flexible alternatives to PayPal; Authorize.Net only supports US-based merchants, while 2Checkout has broad international support (though of course buyers worldwide can use a credit card to pay you with either solution). PayPal's Payflow Pro would also work as a card payment gateway without requiring you to offer a PayPal account-based checkout option alongside it, though it's understandable if you may not wish to use anything from PayPal given their apparent lack of urgency in resolving, or even responding to, this issue.

Unfortunately, opening a ticket with MTS and emailing our partner relations liaison at PayPal is the extent of our influence with them. We have zero insight or control over anything that happens during checkout on their site, and we have no other special insider influence or contacts there. We keep updating that ticket nearly every day with new affected Transaction IDs as they're reported to us, so hopefully that will keep our particular wheel squeaky enough to get them to finally apply the grease we need for the problem to be resolved.

8 days later

Just following up here to mention that the most-affected seller who reported this issue to us, with multiple orders affected every day since it began, did not appear to have any orders affected after August 9th, from which we and PayPal MTS infer the issue appears to be resolved. If you've still seen this issue affect any orders this week, please email us with the affected Transaction IDs:


12 days later