"THE ORIGINAL" COWLING SYSTEM [e-book in pdf format]

The ONLY system of hand strengthening exercises SPECIFICALLY designed for MUSICIANS

"THE ORIGINAL COWLING SYSTEM s a set of amazingly effective HAND STRENGTHENING EXERCISES, done AWAY from the instrument. It uses NO devices, weights, or any external resistance at all. Play 35% CLEANER & FASTER with LESS strain, within WEEKS, not years!

ALL MUSICIANS: Looking for a breakthrough in playing your instrument? You've just found it!


It is an instantly downoadable e-book in pdf format, containing a set of amazingly effective HAND STRENGTHENING EXERCISES, done AWAY from the instrument. It uses NO devices, weights, or any external resistance at all.
''Firm and compact muscle can be developed by the use of dumbbells, corks and other mechanical devices, but firm and compact muscle is just what the instrumentalist does NOT want. Hence, no outside force whatsoever should be employed. WHAT THE INSTRUMENTALIST NEEDS IS SOFT AND FLEXIBLE MUSCLE OF GOOD QUALITY.'' ~ E. J Pickles, Founder of the Cowling System, circa 1904.

DOES THE COWLING SYSTEM WORK? The answer is - YES! Here's what a violinist said in 1924 about the COWLING SYSTEM: ''Many thanks for the lessons I have received. I must say that I am highly delighted with the way my fingering has improved since I commenced your hand exercises. Recently I became very despondent about my violin playing and almost inclined to give it up, but now I feel it a pleasure, thanks to the Cowling System.''

And, It's been providing similar results to ALL musicians - pianists and keyboardists, guitarists, violinists, cellists - even wind intrument players and percussionists - EVER since!

Product description:
THE ORIGINAL" COWLING SYSTEM© -- eBook in pdf format
71 pages - 40 photos - 8 1/2" x 11"
Includes all the original exercises, plus bonus lessons on music reading and theory
[Hardcover list price: $27.50]
Instant download price: $22.50

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