You've made a good start but depending on what your theme allows you to do you may need to make some changes.
The location you've entered the GA code should be fine, but you may have trouble with your Add to Cart button and the View Cart button code you'll need to get the Facebook tracking pixel added.
The first problem is that your theme is just asking for an URL for the product button. Normally that's fine but you need a little more than just the URL to get a cart button that connects with our overlay cart, and the overlay cart is required to use the Facebook tracking pixel.
(To explain what the overlay cart is, it's the in-page display you can see on our demo pages. Without the overlay cart our buttons just open in a new window rather than opening within your site. That would still work fine for purchases, but the extra programming we put into the overlay cart is necessary for the other features you want.)
In order to make this work properly you'll need to be able to insert HTML code into your page outside of the prompts your theme is giving you, you don't need to write anything yourself, you just need to be able to copy and paste the code.
If you can do that and you can skip the prompt for your product button then you can copy and paste your full Add to Cart button code into the page where desired, along with this bit of code that would handle the rest of the overlay cart:
<script type="text/javascript">
function EJEJC_lc(th) { return false; };
function EJEJC_config() {
EJEJC_BEACON = "http://Put.Tracking.Pixel.or.Beacon.URL.Here";
<script src="https://www.e-junkie.com/ecom/box.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
Just put the URL of your facebook tracking pixel where indicated above and copy and paste that into your page's HTML. It won't create a full View Cart button but it will fulfill the requirements you need.
If your theme doesn't let you work with the HTML of your page and you can't do any of the above then you should still be able to at least use Google Analytics -- but there won't be any way to build in the Facebook tracking.
In that situation you would need to just use the URL from your button code where your theme prompts and then use Google's normal tracking code -- not our custom version. Then also go into your E-junkie account settings at Seller Admin > Edit Preferences and paste Google's tracking code into the Common Thank You Page HTML field. This alternate setup puts everything into Google's hands and doesn't involve our system directly, but it would work with your theme. Then you can at least track your traffic versus your sales conversions even if you aren't able to follow up via Facebook.