Hi, yesterday I talked to my accountant (french tax laws are awesome )
So the request is :
Plugin, in order to simplify management uses mostly common notification URL to receive data from e-junkie, but there is some tax info missing in the ITEM SPECIFIC section :
current data :
Item Specific IPN Data
Here, X represents the position of each item in the buyer's cart:
item_numberX - item number you have set in product configuration
quantityX - quantity sold
mc_gross_X - sale price for this product * quantity sold
option_name1_X - (if applicable) if you are using any options with your products, then this will contain first option's name
option_selection1_X - (if applicable) if you are using any options with your products, then this will contain first option's value that buyer selected
needs to be :
Item Specific IPN Data
Here, X represents the position of each item in the buyer's cart:
item_numberX - item number you have set in product configuration
quantityX - quantity sold
mc_gross_X - sale price for this product * quantity sold
tax_X - tax amount for this product * quantity sold (some products may have different tax rate) and in some countries (france) this information is a must on the bill sheet
option_name1_X - (if applicable) if you are using any options with your products, then this will contain first option's name
option_selection1_X - (if applicable) if you are using any options with your products, then this will contain first option's value that buyer selected
also, it would be so genius to include :
affiliate_fee_X into the data sent to common notification URL - thus the final user would skip the whole process of setting up Product specific notification URLs just to track the affiliate share.
I do understand this request asks more coding from the e-junkie team, but I'm also sure this kind of amelioration of the data send would improve your service quality.
thanks guys