overcoming the 7 major obstacles to traveling the world ebook coverIt started with a simple list of 7 reasons you won’t travel the world, a post which I had planned on following up with one quick summary. My series on overcoming obstacles to traveling the world turned out to span 2 months, generated over 100 comments, and had my inbox filled with messages from people who wanted to, had, or were currently overcoming the 7 obstacles themselves.

That’s why I decided to convert the series into my first eBook Overcoming the 7 Majors Obstacles to Traveling the World which you can purchase here now.

What’s In The eBook?

In-Depth Travel And Tech: The foXnoMad Podcast Is Ready For Your Next Trip

You may have already read some or all of the series over the last few months and having it all in one place and reading it through can have a powerful effect if you want to travel the world but don’t know where to start. It’s also a resource you can have with you to check on your progress or give you a boost when you need it from time to time.

Get A Copy of Overcoming the 7 Major Obstacles to Traveling the World

You can get you copy of my eBook, Overcoming the 7 Major Obstacles for $8.00 on Amazon.com or Barnes & Noble.com.

I really believe that many of you will find this eBook valuable and useful.

I’ll also send you free updates to the book which will include new additions to the series. I hope you’re ready to pick apart each obstacle and overcome them one by one.