Muffintop 2

The long-anticipated sequel to Muffintop, it's Muffintop 2! featuring the creme-de-la-creme of fatty wank artistry, with contributions from such luminaries as Supercakestudios, Poundforpoundcake, Shyguy9, Crave-the-Bullet, Egghead Cheesybird, and more!

The long-anticipated sequel to Muffintop, it's Muffintop 2! Another great compilation of the creme-de-la-creme of fatty wank artistry, with wonderful sexy contributions from such luminaries in the large lady art field as Supercakestudios, Poundforpoundcake, Crave-the-Bullet, Shyguy9, Egghead Cheesybird, Alan Bathearst & Garoben, and Agouti-Rex!

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