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Customize Thank-you Email

How to customize your post-sale e-mails?

After a sale we send the buyer one or more fully customizable email messages to confirm their order and deliver crucial information such as any download links or digital codes they'd purchased.

Our email messages now also support HTML code; however, bear in mind HTML support in recipients' email sites/apps can be limited and wildly inconsistent, so we'd recommend sticking to basic HTML formatting tags for bold and italic text, links, new-lines and paragraph breaks.

Our system can send two different types of thank-you email message:
  • Your Common Thank-you Email is sent for every order.
  • A separate Product Thank-you Email is only sent when the corresponding product is ordered.

For digital items, both of these emails are enabled by default! You can change this or just trust our standard email settings, which will ensure that the buyer receives their download link with minimal trouble. Other types of product/service will not send the Product email unless you deliberately enable it in the product's settings.

In general we recommend keeping your email messages short and to the point to avoid trouble with spam filters. If you have a great deal of detailed information to deliver, that can still be done on your post-sale Thank You Page, which is normally linked from your Common Thank You Email.

Common Thank-you Email

You can view and edit the Subject line and message body of your Common Thank-you Email in your E-junkie Dashboard under Manage Seller Account > Edit Preferences. This is the default message template we provide there:

Subject: Your [%business_name%] purchase - Order #[%invoice%]


Thank you for your purchase. Your Invoice ID is [%invoice%].

You can view your order details at


Each actual email we send will replace the template tags shown there with the relevant information—e.g., [%business_name%] gets replaced with your account's Display Name, and [%invoice%] will be replaced with a random invoice number that we generate for the order for identification purposes, and so forth. To disable sending this message, just untick the box for this section. We do not recommend turning this off unless you plan to use Product Emails instead.

The Common Email is usually enough for most situations, but it will only be able to include general information about the buyer's order—i.e., only the Order Specific template tags listed below can be included in this message, whereas Item Specific tags cannot be used here. If you need to deliver any information about a specific product we recommend using the Product Thank You Email, which can use all template tags.

Product Thank-you Emails

This setting will not be used unless your product is a digital item, or otherwise if you have typed a custom message into the Product Thank You Email field within that product’s settings.

The Subject line for the Product email can use the [%item_name%] template tag to insert the relevant product's name.

Unlike the Common email, the Product email's message is blank to start. For digital items we will normally send a default message that delivers any digital content, but this part of the message does not appear on your screen. The default message would appear as follows for a product that issues both a download link and a stored or generated digital code:

Dear [%first_name%],

You can download [%item_name%] at:


Please note, the download link will expire after [%expiry_hours%] hour(s) from now or after [%max_downloads%] attempts, whichever event happens first.

Your code(s) for [%item_name%]:


Any text/HTML you type into the Email Message field here will normally be added below this default text in the message we send.

However, you can disable that default message by ticking the box Don't include default greeting and link/code below the message field. In this case, your custom message would entirely replace our standard message, giving you complete control over the message that gets sent. If you do that for digital products, be sure that your custom message includes the appropriate template tags to insert the buyer's link and/or codes, or else you may end up with an email message that doesn’t contain any digital delivery information:

  • For Downloadable or Redirection products include [%download_link%] or [%thankyou_link%] in your message (see below for the difference between these).
  • For Stored Codes or Generated Codes include [%codes%].

If you would like to reduce the number of emails your buyers receive after a purchase you can disable your Product email and use the Common email for general delivery. This is fine for most situations, but we do not recommend doing so if:

  • You have set a Common Thank You Page URL of your own.
  • You are selling Stored or Generated Codes.

Template tags you can use in Thank-you Emails:

NOTE: Template tags only work in the body of an email message and not the subject line, except where indicated otherwise in the list below.

Order Specific
[%first_name%] = Buyer's First Name
[%last_name%] = Buyer's Last Name
[%payer_email%] = Buyer's PayPal Email
[%payer_phone%] = Buyer's Phone Number
[%shipping_phone%] = Shipping Address Phone Number
[%business_name%] = Seller's Display Name set in Manage Seller Account > Edit Profile (this will also work in the Subject line of a Common Thank-you Email)
[%thankyou_link%] = Link to thank-you/download page for all items ordered; note if you have a Common Thank-you Page URL, this would redirect to that URL
[%thankyou_link_url%] = Bare URL of thank-you/download page for all items ordered, useful for customizing your link format in the email like so:
<a href="[%thankyou_link_url%]">Click here</a>
(note this variable only works for products that have Downloads or Redirection enabled)
[%txn_id%] = Transaction ID
[%ej_txn_id%] = Payment confirmation ID shown to affiliates; this can also be used to provide an "invoice" number that is always sequential but not necessarily consecutive (i.e., this ID will always be a higher nubmer for later orders, but not going by increments of 1 for each of your orders) *
[%auction_buyer_id%] = Auction's Buyer ID [for eBay sales only] *
[%invoice%] = Buyer's cart ID or Buy Now invoice ID (this will also work in the Subject line of a Common Thank-you Email)
[%tax%] = Sales tax [does not include VAT]
[%country_digital%] = VAT place of supply for digital items
[%country_tangible%] = VAT place of supply for non-digital items
[%vat_digital%] = Order subtotal of VAT calculated for digital items
[%vat_tangible%] = Order subtotal of VAT calculated for non-digital items
[%shipping%] = Shipping + Handling
[%gross%] = Order total
[%p_date%] = Payment Date, e.g.: January 1, 2009
[%c_date%] = Current Date, e.g.: January 1, 2009
[%c_time12%] = Current time = MST in 12 hour format, e.g.: 7:07 pm MST
[%c_time24%] = Current time = MST in 24 hour format. e.g.: 19:07 MST
[%custom%] = If you passed a custom variable in the button code *
Item Specific (these only work for product-specific emails)
[%item_name%] = Item Name (this will also work in the Subject line of a Product Thank-you Email)
[%item_number%] = Item number in E-junkie admin
[%download_link%] = Link to thank-you/download/redirection page for just this particular item alone (note this variable only works for products that have Downloads or Redirection enabled)
[%download_link_url%] = Bare URL of thank-you/download/redirection page for just this particular item alone, useful for customizing your link format in the email like so:
<a href="[%download_link_url%]">Click here</a>
(note this variable only works for products that have Downloads or Redirection enabled)
[%codes%] = If your product issues digital codes like serial/license/PIN/registration keys
[%expiry_hours%] = Hours limit for download link expiration
[%max_downloads%] = Attempts limit for download link expiration
[%item_price%] = Original price setting of the product
[%sale_price%] = Price at which the item was sold, which can differ from the item price in case buyer used your discount code or if the item was sold on eBay
[%currency%] = Item's pricing currency *
[%quantity%] = Quantity of the item sold
[%vat_country%] = VAT place of supply for the item *
[%vat_rate%] = VAT rate applicable for the item's place of supply *
[%auction_item_number%] = If this was an eBay listing *
[%sku%] = SKU of the particular item Variant sold *
[%on0%] = Option 1 Name using Variations *
[%os0%] = Option 1 Value using Variations *
[%on1%] = Option 2 Name using Variations *
[%os1%] = Option 2 Value using Variations *
[%on2%] = Option 3 Name using Variations *
[%os2%] = Option 3 Value using Variations *
[%o1_title%] = Option 1 Name using Variants *
[%o1%] = Option 1 Value using Variants *
[%o2_title%] = Option 2 Name using Variants *
[%o2%] = Option 2 Value using Variants *
[%o3_title%] = Option 3 Name using Variants *
[%o3%] = Option 3 Value using Variants *

* These template tags will come out blank for messages sent using Send Free Download Link / Code or Updates & Newsletters; order-specific variables for such messages will only insert details pertaining to the free link or Update/Newsletter batch (rather than the buyer's original order).