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Sep 2015

We are pleased to announce that our long-awaited new Admin panel built in DHTML (HTML5 + CSS + JavaScript) is now live as the standard control panel for all users. Thanks to everyone who tested the new interface and reported bugs during the public Beta and Preview periods over the past 10 months. Despite that lengthy testing period, this general public release may well turn up a remaining bug or two, so PLEASE do not hesitate to report any misbehavior you may encounter as you use and explore the new Admin. You can use the Contact form linked at the bottom of the site or just email us directly. When reporting a bug, please describe the steps you took up to the point where things didn't work or look quite right, and if you email us directly please also mention which browser you were using.

Furthermore, as you've doubtless noticed by now, we have introduced a modern new layout and style across the rest of our Web site, designed to improve usefulness and readability within a fully responsive layout that adapts to any screen size, from giant flatscreens down to tiny smartphones and tablets. While the new Admin now inherits this new style, the overall layout and placement of settings remains just the same as you've already seen during the Beta/Preview periods. The new site also now incorporates our company blog, which you can reach via the Learn tab in our site header or via The Latest section at the bottom of our homepage. There's still a bit of fine-tuning left to do here in the Forum and in E-junkie Marketplace Shop listings that wasn't practical while the old site was still live, so those refinements will be forthcoming very soon.

We have also revised our pricing structure to be simpler and more generous with upload storage space allocations -- better yet, you'd need do nothing to take advantage of this. We have automatically upgraded all current subscribers to the new space allocation for your existing plan price. Our old $18/mo and $27/mo plans are now $20/mo and $30/mo respectively, but existing subscribers on those plans can continue paying the old price and have already been upgraded to the new space allocation for those plans. Existing subscribers on our old $90/mo plan and up have been upgraded to our new top plan limits allowing Unlimited products with 50 GB space. Our old tangible-goods-only plans are no longer available to new subscribers, but anyone already on a tangible-only plan can continue on that plan as long as they wish.

Finally, thanks to everyone who contributed their time, talents, and skills to bring this project to fruition, and thanks to you, our loyal clientele, for sticking with us while we put in the hard work to modernize E-junkie. This is just the start of more and better things to come...

  • created

    Sep '15
  • last reply

    Jun '16
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This pretty much just recaps the Beta release notes, but figured I'd repost here for a wider audience, now that the new Admin is fully live for everyone. I'm also working on updating our Help pages to reflect these changes as quickly as possible.

We've been saving major new features and functionality for a later release just to avoid "feature creep" and get this first version launched as soon as possible, but you will notice numerous improvements in the new Admin, the most significant of which I will outline below.

• Profile and Preferences settings have been rearranged slightly and consolidated from three into just two screens:

- Edit Profile: now focused on basic account details and payment account credentials, so any of those settings formerly in Payment Preferences now reside here, and a couple optional settings formerly in Edit Profile have moved to Edit Preferences (see below);

- Edit Preferences: now consolidates the old Account Preferences with any remaining old Payment Preferences that hadn't been moved to Edit Profile, along with optional settings relocated from Edit Profile (namely Upload Your Logo and E-junkie Shop URL). Here you can also specify/edit your E-junkie Forum Nickname and Web Site URL -- the latter will eventually work with a new Client List page we'll be creating, where your Display Name will be listed as a clickable link to your Web Site URL within an alphabetical list of our clientele.

• Product settings are now consolidated into one large screen, rather than a series of sequential screens; as such, whenever an optional setting is enabled (e.g. Shipping & Buyer's Address), we can now show related sub-settings directly adjacent to that, rather than having them all separate and disjointed.

- You can now simply un-check Product Thank-you Email to disable this message;

- "Package files from other products/affect their inventory" has been relabeled to the more self-apparent "Bundle Other Products";

- Post-checkout Integration settings formerly labeled as "Send transaction data to a URL" and "Payment Variable Information URL" have been relabled to the more self-apparent "Custom/Third-party Integration" and "Product Notification URL" respectively.

• Shipping settings are also now consolidated into one large screen, rather than two sequential screens; at present, we still don't have a way to let you edit existing shipping rules, but we're planning to add that functionality as soon as possible.

• Discount settings have been slightly rearranged to be more intuitive and prevent common pitfalls -- e.g., for existing discounts the Discount Name field now becomes read-only.

- To clone an existing discount, select it from the Existing Discounts menu, then reselect Add New Discount, and you'll find the last-loaded settings are retained, except for the Discount Name which must be unique for each Discount;

- You can now create item-specific % discounts (handy for items using Variants or "Let buyer edit price").

• View/Edit/Delete Products now allows you to Clone an existing product; this proceeds to the Add Product screen with the selected existing product's settings pre-loaded as defaults for that new product, which you can then modify as you wish before clicking Submit to actually create the new product.

• Product listings in E-junkie Shops/Marketplace can now be added/edited only via View/Edit/Delete Products; this makes it more self-evident that E-junkie Shop listings are an optional feature for sellers who don't have their own Web site to sell from (rather than a necessary step in setting up a product to sell at all).

• Affiliate Program Settings now consolidates Common and product-specific settings together in one screen; just select a product from the menu here to view/edit its affiliate settings (if any).

• Buyer Group email lists for sending Updates/Newsletters can now be viewed/edited directly via a link provided in Seller Admin.

• Get Buy Now/Cart Button Codes:

- Now lets you select any product on-the-fly and generates code for the selected product accordingly. Simply clicking inside the codes field automatically expands to show all the code and Selects All right away, so you can just copy and paste from there;

- The new Admin no longer provides our legacy "PayPal Cart" version of button codes, as those have long been deprecated and no longer work properly in many regards due to changes at PayPal's end that we have been unable to work around. We recommend replacing any PayPal Cart button codes in your site with the standard E-junkie Shopping Cart codes, which support PayPal checkout along with all the rest of our standard features.

Browser support notes:

• The new Admin has been tested to work fine in Android 3.x and up, as well as mobile Firefox and Chrome in any version of Android; however, it does not work in the Android 1.x or 2.x default Browser app or its derivatives (e.g. Dolphin), which are by now nearly extinct anyway.

• Internet Explorer 7 and below have not been tested and may not work in at least some regards. We have tested functionality down to IE8 as the last IE version released for Windows XP (even though Microsoft end-of-lifed WinXP in spring of last year). For security reasons we urge diehard WinXP users to avoid using IE8 in general at all anymore, and we strongly recommend adopting Firefox or Google Chrome instead.

It's good in that it's not flash.

But I don't really understand how to waited 5 years and very little functionality has changed in the new update. I was hoping for EJ to catch up with DPD on features and design and mainly it looks like you added a new skin to the site.

For this initial release, we were just targeting feature-equivalence with the old Admin, to avoid "feature creep" that would only complicate and delay things even further. Now that we have a modern, responsive interface that we can actually modify readily, we will be able to start evaluating new features and functionality that would need to be managed with new controls/settings in the Admin panel.

2 months later

It's awesome! I love using e-junkie on my iPad! You guys are the best. Thank you for 9 years of amazing and flawless service!


6 months later
10 days later

Our system has been sporadically offline over the past couple of hours. This has likely been due to a power outage at the Tucson datacenter where we colocate our servers. We have had a number of issue lately due to this and suffice to say this is yet another reason why we're already investigating strategies to migrate E-junkie to more reliable hosting provisions.