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Sep 2013


I'll be updating my ebook product on Monday 30th Sep.

I just had a look and there's no update option in the dropdown. Just 'Newsletter' is there. How can I get that?

One more thing. I have a few different payment options/prices for this same product (so they're showing on ejunkie as different products). I need to make sure that everyone gets this update no matter what ejunkie button they went through. Is it just a matter of sending out an update to each relevant section of my buyers?


  • created

    Sep '13
  • last reply

    Sep '13
  • 3


  • 1.2k


  • 3


  • 1


If you have download products that aren't available for sending Updates, those products are likely configured with settings that are incompatible with Updates, as explained on our help page:

http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.updates.htm NOTE: Products using any of the following settings will not be available for sending an Update:

Send Stored/Generated Codes;

Inventory Control;

Send Transaction Data to a URL / Payment Variable Information URL;

Remote Product File URL.

You can send Updates for such a product by temporarily disabling those features in the product's settings, then re-enable them if necessary after sending the Updates.

If your different products actually provide the same download file, you can just select the main version of that product to send as an Update, then select the Buyer Groups for whichever original products' buyers should receive that Update (hold Ctrl on PC or Command on Mac to select multiple Buyer Groups).


It's just a PDF.

But it is stamped with user's details. Is this what is preventing the update option?

Thank you,


I'm afraid so, the stamp is not compatible with the update service. You'd have to turn PDF stamping off to do the update, but you can turn it right back on afterward.