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Nov 2011


I just wondered if we are any closer to seeing a non Flash version of the e-junkie website? I know it works but e-junkie is the only site I use that frequently requires fresh logins on a regular basis because it fails to remember the details and it doesn't work with 1Password either. I seem to remember talk of the switch going back over a year ago.



  • created

    Nov '11
  • last reply

    Nov '14
  • 11


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  • 4


Development is still working on it; that's all I can say for now, as they run the show here and keep their plans and progress pretty close to the vest. We'll admit the new Admin project has taken much longer than anticipated; indeed, the very same cruft and complexity that have made the current Flash-based Admin nearly impossible to modify readily without breaking it have also made for very challenging work in rebuilding a replacement Admin from scratch in DHTML, which will be much more amenable to ongoing modification.

A major aspect of the challenge has been that the current Admin is not "just" an interface; it also incorporates significant layers of ActionScript that control much of the logic of how our settings and features work and interact. Rebuilding a new Admin in DHTML also means reprogramming all of that logic from scratch in other frameworks, either in browser-side JavaScript or moving chunks of the logic from the interface to new server-side scripting such as PHP. However, once this is done, new features and functionality should follow quickly and more frequently.

1 year later

Any updates on this? I'd really like to see a non-flash version!

Yes and it would have the major advantage that it could work with a smartphone, so users could make changes on the move without being chained to a computer and the internet.

We've been making steady progress on the new Admin project since last spring, after some false starts and unexpected setbacks in 2011. I've already built the HTML templates for all but a few screens myself, and we hired an experienced new Developer last year to write the scripting to make it functional with our existing back-end. I would anticipate we should have the new Admin completed sometime this year.

10 months later

Development is currently putting the finishing touches on an alpha version of the new Admin suitable for internal testing, then after that we can start a round of beta testing among select clients, and then we'll finally be able to take it live for everyone.

Having finally joined the 21st century and bought my first smartphone at the weekend (Motorola Moto G) I just wondered if this is the sort of thing where e-junkie could produce apps for Android and iOS devices.

On a different subject, like many others I hate spam but I would actually welcome an occasional newsletter from e-junkie with tips and suggestions on how to make the most of the features. It's pretty rare that I actually come to the site and spend time looking for changes so a newsletter would help keep sellers up to date. Only recently I discovered the code for my shopping cart had updated and my site now opens much more quickly, since making the change.

The new Admin will use "responsive design", a buzzword meaning that its layout will adapt to suit any screen size including smartphones, so that should eliminate any need to develop a standalone app for iOS/Android.

Our Cart button code has not changed in many years, so I'm not sure what difference you discovered; maybe the button code in your site was incomplete or garbled somehow?

We post public announcement of any major changes or new features/functionality in our Service Status & Updates forum here:


If you're into RSS, you can subscribe to a feed of posts in that forum using this URL:


Many of our help pages have a Tips section at the bottom linking to how-to articles and other useful suggestions, such as this Tips page linked from our Cart Buttons help page, explaining how to improve page-load performance when you're using our standard overlay-style cart:


That's a great call with the decision to create a responsive design for the new site and I'm doing much the same with my own sites very soon. There is an awful lot of traffic these days on mobile devices as I'm sure you know, so responsive designs are the right way forward.

The cart button coding I had would have dated back to around August 2009 I think and there was always a delay in the page loading at that point where the cart appeared while information was fetched from the e-junkie servers on the other side of the Atlantic. The new code is about half as long but includes some html markup in the Before </body> section that was never there before. For whatever reason my pages now open smoothly with no delays and it's a major improvement.

I'm a big user of RSS, even if Google & Apple seem to think it's no longer relevant, so I've added your RSS feed to my reader and I'll be certain to see more updates in future. Like many others I'm really looking forward to seeing the new e-junkie website.

11 months later