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Feb 2009

Our digital product is 800 megabytes in size. We are wondering if there is a way to separate our one large file into 3 or 4 downloads. Is there a way to send the user 3 links and mask each of these, for one individual purchase/product?

Oops, I see the link here,1http://www.e-junkie.com/ej/help.package.htm1 , but will the links all be masked? We are hosting these huge files elsewhere.

Thank you for your help.


  • created

    Feb '09
  • last reply

    Oct '10
  • 14


  • 1.5k


  • 5


  • 5


All of the download links we issue work pretty much the same in re: being unique to each transaction, only good for the file(s) purchased, only valid for the time period and number of attempts you specify, and cloaking your remote file URL when you are hosting the file yourself rather than uploading it to our server. If you are using our Package Products feature to "bundle" several separate files into one product, then the buyer's thank-you/download page will have one such link for each file. If you are providing separate files that need to be combined, you would need to provide the buyer with a method to accomplish that.

As another alternative, you might consider using our SwiftCD integration, so they would duplicate a disc and mail that to the buyer on-demand whenever an order comes in:


This would also be much less trouble-prone than expecting buyers to complete a massive download which could take up to an hour or longer to complete -- e.g., check out the download-time estimator here:


Unfortunately we are just offering downloads at this time. These are 720p HD movies in quicktime format. I can separate the main file into three downloads.

I have another question, our videos are hosted in USA, EU, and ASIA. Do we need to create a new product (mirror a product) for specific locations? IE: A user selects the most local option for their downloads, then we send them to the e-junkie store which designates that product as being located in Asia vs. Usa.

Thanks for your help.


We have no method to specify different download servers for different regions.

One other alternative you might consider: embed your video in a Web page, and then use our product-specific Redirection feature to send buyers to their viewing page after payment is completed:


What if, in my own site I gave a choice of the three, and then marked the products in e-junkie as





Thanks for all the help.

Hm, so if you created three separate products for each video, each product having a different remote file URL pointing to a server in its respective region? I suppose that would work, although ultimately everything goes through our own Web cache to the buyer regardless of where the file originates. This is how our download links work, how we can issue a unique link to each buyer and cloak the remote origin of files not uploaded to our server, and how we enforce your link-expiration settings.

And now for the biggest question, will e-junkie work with amazon cloudfront. Naturally, cloudfront redirects the http request to an edge server closest to the customer. If there's a redirection, will e-junkie be able to mask that? I hope so, but probably not.


Hm, that level of specific backend detail I'll have to refer to Development for an answer, but in a nutshell, our download links for remotely-hosted files work like this:

The link URL we issue to the buyer looks like http://www.e-junkie.com/[...etc.] When the buyer clicks their link to that URL on our server, our backend looks up what product it goes to, and if a Remote Product File URL had been specified for the product, we stream a copy of the file from your file's static URL, through our Web cache, to the buyer, so insofar as the buyer's end can tell, the file is coming from us.

Once this initial download has completed successfully, we retain our cached copy of that download in our Amazon S3 provisions; for every subsequent download, we first check to see if the original copy at your URL has changed, and if not, we simply serve our cached copy from S3 to the buyer. This eliminates unnecessary transfer-bandwidth surcharges or limits for both you and us, and ensures the quickest and most trouble-free download possible for the recipient.

5 months later

Does this mean the best thing to do with NEW large files is to download them to yourself through e-junkie first so the customer isn't suffering through this process?

my direct files download (on the same connection) in minutes - whereas the e-junkie link on the same machine/connection takes over an hour.

That would probably be a good idea, and that would also verify that you'd configured the Remote Product File URL correctly and that your download links are working.

After you either upload a file to us or stream the first download of a remotely-hosted file through us, within 15 minutes a copy of the file should be synched up to our Amazon S3 storage, so any downloads after that point should be about as fast as can be expected.

Until we get the file synched to S3, we'd be serving it from our Tucson datacenter, where routing across the Internet may not be ideal to all locations, and the bandwidth available to any download is necessarily limited (so one big download can't hog all our bandwidth and effectively DoS ourselves).

successive downloads does not improve the download speed, so if it is "cached" - it's not helping.

Earlier today, our Lead Developer found and fixed a glitch that was causing slow downloads since the past day or so. Let us know if you're continuing to experience any problems with download performance.

3 months later
TysonAll of the download links we issue work pretty much the same in re: being unique to each transaction, only good for the file(s) purchased, only valid for the time period and number of attempts you specify, and cloaking your remote file URL when you are hosting the file yourself rather than uploading it to our server.

Hi Tyson

I have a digital downloadable product and once it's been purchased I want to send the buyer a unique link, I think it's great that you offer this is a standard part of your service.

What do I need to do in my seller admin to do this? (I mean what needs to be checked unchecked etc)

Thanks in advance for your help it's really appreciated.



10 months later

Your so called Product Package feature is a horrendous piece of UI crap! It's a pathetic piece of UI design!!!!!!!!!!!!!!