How far in the future (if at all) are shopping cart design tweaks?
I've already maximized the cart to it's fullest using the ID's from the post HTML (changing out the cart image, the width and height of the cart, the background color, etc).
But here is my wish list:
1.) The word "checkout:" in front of the checkout buttons. Ability to modify that to say: Done, or Complete your shopping, or just remove the word altogether if it is redundant to the checkout button.
2.) The ability to make Applied Coupon font larger and not quite so "greyed out."
3.) The ability to make the "Empty Cart" box not quite so visually empty. Maybe add product recommendations or at least center the cart image and button in the large white (empty) box so that it is more nicely formatted. Or perhaps make the empty cart box smaller.
E-junkie has a GREAT service, don't get me wrong, but visual tweaks are somewhat of an obsession of mine. If these tweaks are too programming intensive, etc, I understand. Again, just a wish list.