i rescently purchased fab 5 from this site they directed it to tarszan .i paid 29.95 and i received nothing .i sent tarzan 15 emails,sent ejunkie 3 emails ,called ejunkie twice and left messages but i got no response from no one.they say money back guarentee but that is a joke.i will continue to call and send emails but i guess the best option is either better business or attorney general.i hope others will read this and resond to it thank you james ferraro

  • created

    Jan '09
  • last reply

    Jan '09
  • 1


  • 1.1k


  • 2


  • 4


E-junkie is only a software service provider that Merchants use to manage their online orders, and our Marketplace is just a place where they can choose to list their products for sale. Please verify the contact info from the Seller's email or Web site and contact them directly regarding their products and services, since we are not directly involved in their business operations. E-junkie does not and cannot police any Marketplace product listings, and we cannot review or monitor what products are offered for sale. We do not endorse any particular Merchant nor product, and we do not receive any payment funds on behalf of Sellers.

This would be the contact form for this particular Seller's E-junkie account -- filling out and submitting this form sends an email to the very same email address we have on file for their account:


If you have paid for a product and cannot gain satisfaction from the Merchant directly, we would recommend that you engage the Resolutions process offered by your payment processor (PayPal/Google Checkout/etc.):


http://checkout.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?answer=105825 (see the section on "Order Problems and Mediation")