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Apr 2008

If someone orders multiple items, how do I make sure they only receive one thank you email with all of the items in their order? I don't want them to receive one thank you email for each item in the order.

Do the thank you emails need to be the same for every product in order for them to receive only one thank you email when they order multiple products? Thanks!

  • created

    Apr '08
  • last reply

    Nov '10
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For digital download products, there will be one email sent per item, as we only have the ability to send one download link per email message.

Same for tangible items. Currently we send one email per product in an order.

3 months later

Is there a way to have just one email sent per order and to customize that email?



We are working on a solution to consolidate the thank-you emails into a single email per order in at least some if not all cases. All promised new-feature additions should be completed before the end of this year. Official announcement of any new features going live would be posted to our Service Status and Updates forum category here:


If you're into RSS, we also have a feed of updates to that forum available here:


4 months later

Tyson mentioned they are working on a solution to consolidate the thank-you email into a single email per order. Has there been any updates with this?

I'm trying to figure out the best way to create a packing slip. One way I've been considering is to copy and paste the transaction data from the transaction log into excel. By having the excel file set up for this, the data could map into the appropriate cells. Having multiple items makes this a bit more difficult.

Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.



When we started considering the matter of a consolidated thank-you emails, we realized that simply appending various products' thank-you emails together consecutively into one big message could be too confusing for many buyers, so we went with a different approach to offer a single thank-you email:

In your Seller Admin > Account Preferences, you can now specify a Common Thank-you Email Subject and Message which would be sent to the buyer just once for each entire order. You can also Enable Templated Email there and use any of our order-specific email template [%variables%]. The Common Thank-you Email cannot include any item-specific data, so you can use the [%thankyou_link%] template variable to insert a link to the thank-you page, where item-specific data can appear. Printing the thank-you page may also suffice as a packing slip, especially since you can use template variables to format the thank-you page however and with whatever information you may wish. You can now view the thank-you page for any order directly by viewing your Transaction Log and clicking the order's Transaction ID.

Note that the Common Thank-you Email is a separate message sent in addition to any item-specific thank-you emails you have configured, unless you also disable the individual thank-you emails for each product. Tangible goods would normally issue no thank-you email of their own at all unless you had entered something in their Email Message fields, so you can just leave that field blank to disable a tangible product's individual email. For any digital product, you would also want to check Enable Templated Email while leaving the Email Message field blank to disable that product's individual email -- in that case, you should also Enable Templated Email for the Common Thank-you Email and insert the [%thankyou_url%] variable somewhere to provide a link to the thank-you/download page.

A sensible approach to templating a Common Thank-you Email might start with presenting basic info like so:


Subject: Your [%business_name%] purchase


Dear [%first_name%],

Thanks for your purchase. Your can view your order details at:


{add'l info/instructions/offers would go here}




EDIT: Corrected template variable to insert Thank-you Page link.

10 months later

So - if I am reading this correctly, if you want to send a confirmation email that includes the product data, you cannot use the common thank you email - as this will not contain the product data

In a thank you email, the customer usually wants to see a confirmation of what they have ordered - asking them to click a separate link is not what they want

Therefore, it looks like we are stuck with multiple emails for multiple product purchases?

If you need to have all the product info on the thank you e-mail, then I'm sorry but that is correct, you will need to use multiple e-mails.

2 months later

I'm a little bit confused about the item specifics in the thank you link.

Above it states ...

"The Common Thank-you Email cannot include any item-specific data, so you can use the [%thankyou_link%] template variable to insert a link to the thank-you page, where item-specific data can appear. Printing the thank-you page may also suffice as a packing slip, especially since you can use template variables to format the thank-you page however and with whatever information you may wish. You can now view the thank-you page for any order directly by viewing your Transaction Log and clicking the order's Transaction ID."

I vote for allowing item specifics within one single order confirmation email ... I have tangible products and MANY MANY of my customers send me an email asking WHY their product details are not in the confirmation email they receive. This is common practice and it is kind of strange that there is not a way to do this within e-Junkie. e-Junkie has many great features and I think this area really falls short! Sending the customer an email for each specific item they have ordered is just not good business practice.

This being said ... IF I am forced to use the above option by sending the customer to a Thank You link ... can you provide instructions for how to list multiple items & specifics within the single Thank You link?

10 days later

I would like to chime in here regarding multiple emails for multiple downloads...


common email with no data.

We have over 400 audio products in our online store. 90% downloadable, 10% tangible.

Our customers have already expressed confusion and disappointment with both of the thank you / notification email methods.

We too would like to see the customer receive one thank you email with their transaction data and their download links. This is clearly the proper way to conclude the sale. Multiple emails for one transaction defeats the efficiency of downloadable merchandise and online shopping, it's messy, and seems a bit archaic.

If I am missing something regarding existing customization options for thank you email, my apologies... I must a admit I do not fully understand the customization instructions yet.

Thanks E-J for being receptive and adaptable.

It's not possible to include item-specific information in the Common Thank-you Email because that message is not associated with any specific product, and it would be frankly mind-boggling to provide a templating method to insert that info for a variable number of unspecified products in every order. Buyers should already receive a summary of their order in the receipt email they receive from the payment processor, such as PayPal.

The primary purpose of our thank-you emails is to make sure the buyer has a way to reach their download page in case they don't go there directly following checkout, so if you aren't selling digital products such as downloads, you might as well disable sending our thank-you email at all, so the buyer would only get a payment receipt for their order from the payment processor.


We do not ever email actual direct-download links; we only ever email links to reach a thank-you page, where we present the actual download links on that page. If you include [%thankyou_link%] in your Common Thank-you Email, that will provide a link to a single download page presenting all the links together for every download the buyer purchased. Since you have over 400 products, if you need us to disable all your products' individual thank-you emails across the board, please send your password or original activation code (if you still have your original "Account information" email from when you first registered) to Support with your request:


10 months later

Hi there,

I am a little confused about the thank you emails, and what is called what....and just want to make sure I have it right.....

I think I can disable the individual product email (the one that is on the same page of Product Configuration, where you name your product, and upload it, and check the boxes)? I just check the enable templated email and leave it blank, and they won't receive this email.

And then click next and next until I get to the customize thank you/product download page?

And there I can write an email that will have a link to their download?

Is this right? I do this for each product?

So then do they receive one of the above email for each download they purchase?

And also what is the difference to the common thank you email, which i would also like to customise (found in account preferences). Do they receive this after they have downloaded? And do they just receive one of these?

Hope this makes sense!

Thanks for all the help.

P.S. Can you also please confirm if I do the above exactly how many emails /which ones the buyer receives from ejunkie. I am thinking its just one thank you email for each product, as I have disabled the individual product email, and then a final thank you email?.....but am not sure I have this is right?!

And also if I customize the thank you page is it pretty much going to be the same email as the thank you email they get (ie with download link in it?).

Thanks again!

Bear in mind the distinction between a thank-you email vs. a thank-you page:

After the buyer finishes checkout and the payment processor confirms the buyer's payment was good and completed, we grant the buyer access to a thank-you page in their Web browser, where we present their unique download link(s) automatically. We also send a thank-you email message to their inbox, which includes a link to reach the thank-you/download page in case they did not proceed to the download page after checkout.

We provide you with a default Common Thank-you Email template in Seller Admin > Account Preferences which you can customize there, and digital products normally each send a separate thank-you email of their own by default, which you can disable or customize in the product's Email Message field -- leave that field blank and check the Enable Templated Email box to disable the product's own thank-you email (we can't generate an email from a template if no template is provided :^). This help page explains more about customizing thank-you emails, the template variables you can use, etc.:


You can add custom text/HTML to the thank-you pages we generate for you. In Seller Admin > Account Preferences > Common Thank-you Page HTML, you can provide custom text/HTML that would be inserted at the bottom of every thank-you page regardless of which items were ordered. In the Message (HTML) field of each product's settings, you can provide custom text/HTML that would appear under that item's name on the thank-you page. This sample thank-you page will help you see where various page customizations are inserted:


This help page gives more details about customizing thank-you pages:
