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Feb 2008

I am trying to find a solution for automated generation and distribution of unique Software Registration Keys based on information provided by the customer.

Your web site specifically mentions "like VBOLock" and I'm not holding you to that as "the" recommended software product. :wink:

I've been doing some reading on their product and it seems to meet my needs. I would like to get confirmation and to understand the a little more of what would be required of me, if I use VBOLock.

Is it that simple? Do I just provide E-junkie with the VBOLock dll and you do the rest? I don't have to write any special code or web pages to facilitate the Registration Code Generation process? I'm not a web developer and don't want to have to become one (today) or pay someone to write anything for me if I can avoid it.

  • created

    Feb '08
  • last reply

    Sep '08
  • 8


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  • 7


  • 2


You will need to get a web based keygen from VBOLock or any other software you want to use (like Armadillon) and set it up on your site.

You don't have to provide us anything. You simply need to follow the steps provided for "generated codes" in the "codes" section of our help page.

3 months later


I'm selling Time Attendance software with license on number of employee. E.g Customer with 100 employees need to purchase 100 licenses. He can purchase more license later when he hire more employee.

So I want to ask the customer (whether he is new customer or not). If it is old customer, he need to enter Existing Registration Code in variant text field and our key generator will not generate new key but reply the inputed key. And system will update existing account in our SQL database.

My problem is to validate Existing Registration Code with our existing records in SQL database.

I mean the code, customer enter is valid or not before Add Cart.

I have server side code for this validation. But I don't know how to apply it in Add Cart click?

Please help

I don't think what you ask can be done, at least in the way you describe, with what our cart is capable of. Our "Send Generated Codes" setting just hits a remote URL you provide and provides the buyer with whatever the output of that URL is, the idea being that you have a URL that simply outputs a unique string every time it's accessed. There is no provision for interactivity, where the buyer could provide some input via our cart to the code generator URL that would influence the output it provides in return. Theoretically however, you can have your code generator URL output whatever text you want for us to pass along to the buyer, so perhaps that output could just be a unique-ID'd link to some registration interface you manage on your own site? I.e., rather than getting an actual registration code, your buyers would get a unique URL from you that proves they have paid, which would grant them access to your actual registration system? You may also consider our help pages on external integration (where we can pass routine order-specific data to your own URL for further processing):


3 months later

I have been doing a good bit of research into using SoftwarePassport/Armadillo as our software protection package.

It would seem that may other eCommerce providers (Digibuy, eSellerate, Kagi, Plimus, RegNet, RegSoft.com,ShareIt!) all support automatic key generation using SoftwarePassport/Armadillo (it is simply an option you tick) and users are then sent the automatically generated keys.

I realise that we can buy the Key Generator to interface with SoftwarePassport, however, it would make life so much easier if this was part of your offering (using the Service License - http://store.digitalriver.com/servlet/ControllerServlet?Action=DisplayHomePage&SiteID=srealms)

Do you have any plans to support this?

Many thanks for your help!

We don't yet provide hosted keygens, but we can look into doing that for Armadillo as it seems the most popular one.

For now, you'll need to host it yourself though :frowning:

Thanks for getting back to me on this.

It would be really great if you could support this, but I suppose for the time being we will look into doing it ourselves.



Just to let you know i use armodillio in combination with e-junkie for about a year know, so it's definilty possble

you may consider to add a paypal/e-junkie payment link on your website apart from a standard payment processor, for the simple reason that people prefer to pay with paypal, (having a paypal button simply increase sales) and paypal only charges 3% per trasnaction, and on top of this you are reasonable well protected to people that falsely claim they have not received the product, or the product is not as advertised.

I 'm developing some new products and will only use paypal/e-junkie for the payment processing, as it simply makes sense from a business point of view.



BTW, just to clarify menno's point a bit, you can use E-junkie along with PayPal, i.e. E-junkie cart orders can take online payment using PayPal -- in fact, PayPal is our standard and preferred payment method.

If you have a bank merchant account that lets you take direct card payments in your regular, offline business and want to extend that privilege to your online order payments as well, you can use our service with Authorize.Net or PayPal Pro. The latter solution would inherently allow buyers the option of choosing either PayPal payment or card payment, while Authorize.Net can be combined with regular PayPal standard to allow the same buyer payment options, and any of these can also be combined with Google Checkout if you wish, to offer buyers the widest range of online payment choices to suit their preference and comfort level.