1 / 14
Dec 2007

I've been jumping from page to page, well tabs and trying to figure out a few things.

If I add lets say 12 digital downloads to my cart, will I get 12 different thank you emails for the items ordered?

Or will it be in one email containing 12 links and order total? I dont want to consider this a 'package' as each item is different opposed to things like mp3 songs etc so I cant use 'Files from another product' unless I specify that for certain items.

I dont get it, I've gone throught the Send Free Thank Your/Download Link and all I can test is 1 item. I see the download link along with the html message.

Clear a path for me please?

:smiley: Thanks all for understanding.


  • created

    Dec '07
  • last reply

    Sep '08
  • 13


  • 1.0k


  • 8


  • 2


If you add 12 items to cart, buyer will get 12 different emails.

However, after purchase buyer will reach the common "thank you" page (even before they get the email) and that page will have link to download all 12 products.

If you want to test all 12 products togther in the cart, set the price to 0.00 for all of them and E-junkie will let you checkout without using PayPal. That'll give you a clear idea.

I'm sorry junkie for asking a lame question, but someone had to. I didnt see it in a search I did on here. Answer sounds fair enough, although 12 separate emails is kind of beat. I'll test out the 0.00 items so I can get that clear idea. :D

Will there be any type of update to this multiple file so the buyer gets 1 email containing multiple links or is that asking too much?

Thanks for the reply!

We'll provide an option for a single email but not until Jan-Feb 08. Sorry.

After having every problem I had with E-junkie fixed (or promised to be fixed in the future) in the space of 24 hours after signing up for the service, this was the last item on the wishlist. I can wait a couple months. About half the orders we get are for a single item, anyway.

3 months later

"We'll provide an option for a single email but not until Jan-Feb 08. Sorry."

~ Given that it's now March '08, is this option now available?

4 months later

Bump! :slight_smile: Our "Thank you" page does include all the links for the software, but our customers get the same number of e-mails as items purchased. Is there still a solution being cooked up?

Hope so! Thanks! :slight_smile:

There is a solution currently in development for consolidated thank-you emails. All promised new features and enhancements should be completed by the end of this year, and most should be going live well before then, as we roll out new things one at a time or in small bunches from time to time.

You have our apologies for the delay, but until we were able to expand our staff in April, the first quarter of this year was unexpectedly demanding (you might say we reached a critical mass of new Merchants, which then started to snowball on us), so Development is finally starting to catch up with the backlog of requested new features and enhancements now. Just look at the recent spate of posts in our Service Status and Updates forum, where we post all official announcements of bugfixes and new features as soon as they go live:


BTW, for those of you into RSS, we also have a feed of updates to that announcements forum available here:


1 month later

how about physical products and not downloads?

Will my customer get 12 emails too?

How about order management? I need a page with order ID so I can easily put these items in a package.

aitui4ichow about physical products and not downloads?

Will my customer get 12 emails too?

For next couple weeks at least till we launch the feature to send a single e-mail.

aitui4icHow about order management? I need a page with order ID so I can easily put these items in a package.

You can use our logs, notification e-mail or simply go to your payment processor's interface for that info

Guys, You did such a good job but the emails, it is rediculous, how didn't you think of it before? It is the A B C, I spent so much time on e-junkie and now seems I can't implement it.

What can I say .. it's a constantly evolving system. If you can't wait a few days, then we can setup a basic single e-mail per purchase for you. Let me know ..